UMP Ma’had Al Imam Malik Building Inaugurated By AMFC Founder From Dubai

UMP Ma’had Al Imam Malik Building Inaugurated By AMFC Founder From Dubai

The founder of Asia Muslim Charity Foundation (AMCF), Sheikh Dr Mohammad MT Al-Khoory and Rector of University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto (UMP), Assoc Prof Dr Jebul Suroso inaugurated the newly-constructed building of Ma’had Al Imam Malik, Saturday (06/05).

Also attending the inauguration among others the Vice Chairman of the Daily Advisory Board, Drs. H. Ahmad Kifni; the Vice Rector I for Academic and Cooperation Affairs, Ir Aman Suyadi MP; the Vice Rector II for Finance and Assets Management, Drs Ikhsan Mujahid MSi; the Vice Rector III for Student Affairs, Alumni and Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies, Assoc Prof Akhmad Darmawan MSi PhD; and the Vice Rector IV for Research, Innovation and Human Resources, Assoc Prof Dr Anwar Ma’ruf MT.

The Rector, Assoc Prof Dr Jebul Suroso hoped that the building that has been inaugurated by Sheikh Dr Mohammad MT Al-Khoory can be useful for Ma’had Al Imam Malik students, Muhammadiyah, and Islamic da’wah. “We really expect that it won’t stop here, but there will be more cooperation in the other programs. We understand very well the importance of Arabic in the Da’wah of Muhammadiyah and also to (strengthen) relationships. Hopefully it will develop rapidly and once again I give AMCF a high appreciation and especially, Sheikh Dr. Mohammad MT Al-Khoory,” he said.

On the other hand, the AMCF Founder, Dr. Mohammad MT Al-Khoory highly appreciated the UMP Rector and the Daily Advisory Board. He also expressed his gratitude towards all donors who had contributed and spared their materials for the UMP Ma’had Al Imam Malik  building. “Alhamdulillah, through the donors, this is the fourth building we built. I hope Allah SWT will grant them rewards for their good deeds,” he said.

Sheikh Dr Mohammad MT Al-Khoory firmly believed that in the future, Ma’had Al Imam Malik will develop better than now and receive more students by the Tahfidzul Qur’an program. “And I am very proud today, because the Ma’had Al Imam Malik Building is located next to the Mosque and this is a good strategy to receive blessings. I hope that Ma’had Al Imam Malik has a Tahfidzul Quran program because it is closely related to Arabic learning. So that in the future it will produce the Hafidz Quran,” he said.

STKIP Muhammadiyah Barru To Join Collaborative Student Study Service

STKIP Muhammadiyah Barru To Join Collaborative Student Study Service

STKIP Muh Barru joined seven universities in Collaborative Student Study Service (KKN) in Semangki, Simbang, Maros, South Sulawesi. On Monday (20/02), the KKN team was received directly by the Head of Samangki Village, Hj. Darwana Mustari, S.Pd., at the village office. Also attending on this occasion, the Secretary of the Maros Education Board, Ismail Suardi Wekke. The collaborative program implementation involved STKIP Muhammadiyah Barru, STAI DDI Maros, and STAI Yapnas Jeneponto. Likewise, the program also involved IAI DDI Sidenreng Rappang, IAI Al-Amanah Jeneponto, STAI Al Furqan, and STIA Abdul Haris, Makassar. 

The Head of STKIP Muhammadiyah Barru, Dr. Andi Fiptar Alam welcomed the initiation of the collaborative program to be a medium in developing joint activities. “In particular, the Head of STKIP Muhammadiyah Barru expressed their appreciation of this program to foster synergy between campuses,” said Andi Fiptar. Later, the students will serve at the KKN location for forty days. Furthermore, it will finish with a joint seminar as a report for the output of the activity.

Universities that are members of the Indonesian Universities Consortium on Socio-Religious Studies (IUCSRS) network, jointly implement various programs to support the progress of higher education. The first IUCSRS program was a workshop on collaborative research held at Universiti Malaya, Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Kuala Lumpur which was then named as a consortium.

IUCSRS was initiated by five universities together with the Maros Education Board. The number of universities continues to grow until they reach 200 universities. Ismail said that the existence of IUCSRS is a forum for cooperation and collaboration in the implementation of the three values ‘Tri Dharma’ of higher education. “I hope this togetherness will never last,” Ismail Suardi Wekke hoped.

MoU Between UM Buton and Uhamka Provides Student Exchange Program

MoU Between UM Buton and Uhamka Provides Student Exchange Program

Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton (UM Buton) agreed to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof DR Hamka (Uhamka), last Thursday (19/1). Both parties signed this MoU as a step to develop cooperation in strengthening the Four Values ‘Catur Dharma’ of the university. In addition, both of them also provide the opportunities for each other for student exchange in the internship program from ‘Independent Learning Independent Campus’ (MBKM).

The Chancellor of Uhamka, Prof Dr H Gunawan Suryoputro MHum directly signed the Memorandum of Understanding. On the other hand, from UM Buton, the Chancellor of UM Buton, Dr. Wa Ode Al Zarliani SP MM, also directly attended the procession. Al Zarliani mentioned that she hoped that the collaboration would improve the quality of UM Buton’s human resources. “I hope that our human resources can improve through this collaboration. Both lecturers and students,” she said. She also continued that the human resource improvement would also produce a good impact in the future. It can extend to increasing the quality and quantity, both research and community service programs.

Apart from the MoU, the other activity was a campus tour in Uhamka. Al Zarliani had the opportunity to visit the Smart Class from Uhamka. The visit was also directly accompanied by the Chancellor Prof DR Hamka (Uhamka), Prof Dr H Gunawan Suryoputro MHum. She also expressed her hope to make the visit to be a great reference for UM Buton to create and implement modern learning spaces for students and lecturers.

149 STIKes Muh CIamis Students Start Their Community Services

149 STIKes Muh CIamis Students Start Their Community Services

As to serving in communities, 149 STIKes Muhammadiyah Ciamis students participated in a briefing to start their service. STIKes Muh Ciamis also held a ceremony to release the students at the Ciamis Regent’s Hall. The students will carry out the community service program from Monday (2/1) to Saturday (14/1). They consisted of 4th-year Bachelor students of the Nursing Study Program, 3rd-year students of the Midwifery D-III Study Program, and 3rd Diploma students of the Health Analyst Study Program. The Ciamis Regent, H Herdiat Sunarya as the inspector of the ceremony expressed his appreciation to the management of STIKes Muh Ciamis.

“Thank you for the trust in Selacai village in Cipaku District, Ciamis, which is the location of the 2022/2023 community service program,” he said. He also expressed his hope that the students could mingle and assist the community. One of the first steps was to coordinate with village officials and use their knowledge in the community. Herdiat Sunarya continued that this community service could be a moment to transform material by lecturers in classes.

On the other hand, the Ciamis Health Office has received many awards, especially for the awareness and cohesiveness of the leaders in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. Even so, there may be a health security program. It means that the students have the challenge to implement their work programs. “Hopefully, you will adapt to the community well. The energy and thoughts of assistance, both in the health and community development, are of course what they really need,” he concluded on Monday (2/1).

Creative Media Design Application, Contribute To Village From UMPO

Creative Media Design Application, Contribute To Village From UMPO

Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo (UMPO) collaborated with the Regional Government (Pemkab) through the Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth, and Sports Affairs, Ponorogo designed an application. The collaboration aimed to target the economic driver, especially tourism in Ponorogo. The Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Ayub Dwi Anggoro, mentioned a statement on Wednesday (31/08). “So it is not only a personal purpose for UMPO,” he said.

The collaboration resulted in an application in Village Creative Media Design. The application became an idea to promote local tourism in every village. Because it could be a breakthrough to change the perspective of non-local people about Reog as not the only cultural heritage in Ponorogo. “There are 281 villages in Ponorogo,” he said. He expected that the application could trigger the motivation of Ponorogo’s young generations to be content creators in the local tourism potency. The final goal was to improve the tourism sector as one of the wheel drive economies of Ponorogo people.

“The application of Village Creative Media Design uses a new technology that can be downloaded in the Playstore. The tourism information in Ponorogo can be seen by everyone in hand,” said Ayub. So when all existing tourism potencies are not circulating widely and well-managed, all activities would be useless. Therefore, the application would bring optimum benefits to support economic improvement.

UM Metro Gets First Rank of PKM Grants for Academic Higher Education

UM Metro Gets First Rank of PKM Grants for Academic Higher Education

After conducting a meeting for Private Higher Education Institutions under the Institute for Higher Education Service (LLDikti) Regional II, Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro (UM Metro) managed to reach the first rank in the appreciation night, located in Novotel Bangka Hotel and Convention Centre, Saturday (03/09). LLDikti Regional II placed UM Metro in first place for the 2022 Grant Recipients of Student Creativity Program (PKM) for Academic Higher Education.

On this occasion, the Head of LLDikti Regional II, Prof. Dr. Iskhaq Iskandar, M.Sc. directly passed the certificate of appreciation to the Rector of UM Metro, Drs. H. Jazim Ahmad, M.Pd in front of all private higher education institutions in Southern Sumatera. Responding to the appreciation, Jazim admitted he was grateful for the blessings from Allah subhanahu wata’ala. Alhamdulillah, we can not stop being grateful for Allah’s blessing to place UM Metro in the first place in the 2022 Grant Recipients of Student Creativity Program (PKM) for Academic Higher Education from LLDikti Regional II,” he said. According to him, the achievement has not come without hard work from UM Metro students and lecturers that have worked hard to achieve the grants.

“It becomes our output, especially the hard work from students and their supervisors in UM Metro for their grants of PKM. This appreciation is given for the hard work of all brighter future generations,” he added. The Chairman of Tapak Suci Regional XI Lampung also hoped that this achievement could motivate UM Metro students to follow their steps in pursuing grants in the next year.

“I hope that it can inspire other students to follow and carry on pursuing student creativity grants together in UM Metro to elevate the number every year,” said Jazim. Furthermore, he also emphasized that the grants would provide various advantages for the institution, students, and broader communities. “Of course, we do not chase the ranking, we also do not chase the money, but we seek the benefits we share. The more we can get, the broader communities will be supported to overcome varied problems. So we can recover faster and raise stronger as the phrase of Indonesia’s 77th Independence Day theme. Moreover, the students would gain several advantages, including to be an independent, hard worker, good in management and gain various skills,” he ended.

UAD Held Astrocamp To Educate About The Night Sky

UAD Held Astrocamp To Educate About The Night Sky

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) held Astrocamp from Saturday (25/06) to Sunday (26/06). It was organized by the Center of Astronomy (Pastron) UAD. It was not the first time Pastron held a similar agenda. Previously, Astrocamp was conducted in two places. First, Baron Technopark, Gunung Kidul and second Kemit Forest, Cilacap. The third Astrocamp was placed in Wisata Tinalah Village. The village was selected due to the developmental potency for educational tourism, especially education about the night sky.

The participants were diverse from Elementary school students to higher education students. Pastron UAD provided three telescopes for the participants, including Skywatcher BK120, Skywatcher BK 909, and Bresser AR90. The telescopes were able to observe the stars, moon, sun, and cluster (a vast group of stars). The cluster belongs to faint objects that can be observed by using a telescope. The participants were astonished watching the faint distant objects due to a lot of knowledge observed.

The participants also learned how to use the star map in physical or applications on handphones, as reported on the official site of UAD. In the workshop session, the participants received materials about constellations in interactive presentations. One of the nocturnal animal species that use the light from the stars to migrate at night, fireflies, was easily caught by the eyes of Astrocamp participants. Astocamp became an educational camp that besides teaching how to survive and do the activity outside, also educates people on how to conserve the environment to preserve the earth.

Riau Governor and UMRI Rector Launched Admission and LazisMu Office

Riau Governor and UMRI Rector Launched Admission and LazisMu Office

Pekanbaru – Riau Governor, Drs H Syamsuar MSi and the Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau (UMRI) Dr H Saidul Amin MA, Wednesday (26/01) launched New-Student Admission (PMB) UMRI for 2022/2023 and Philanthropic Body of Muhammadiyah (LazisMU) office.

The launching was located in KH Ahmad Dahlan Auditorium of UMRI, Tuanku Tambusai Ujung street, Pekanbaru, by a procession of pressing the siren button and signing an inscription. On this occasion, the Riau Governor and the Rector of UMRI symbolically submitted the education assistance for 31,4 funds from LazisMu Riau to eight students. The UMRI Rector mentioned that UMRI planned to accept 3.005 new students in the current year, while the Daily Advisory Board targetted 3.500 students. However, UMRI is still insufficient for 40 classrooms to complete the target.

In his remarks, UMRI Rector mentioned this insufficiency in front of the Governor, the Chairman of Daily Advisory Board (BPH), Prof Isjoni and boards, the Secretary of Muhammadiyah Province Board, Ir Yusman Yusuf MT, all Vice-Rectors and committees, and tens of students. “This year, UMRI has planned to accept 3.005 students, but we targetted 3.500 students. This target has been conducted, but we need 40 more classrooms. Therefore, we hope Riau Governor assists us to build classrooms,” said the Rector.

Saidul Amin mentioned that they had financial limitations to construct 40 more classrooms. Therefore, UMRI needed support from other parties. “If the lecturing room construction depends on tuition fee and loan, we could. However, we look for other potential parties in Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) and State Expenditure Budget (APBN), waqf, and foreign aids. That is what we need to reach,” said the Rector.

He also highlighted that he would complete the classroom inadequacy based on waqf. It means that they who donate their financial aid to establish the classroom and their names would be portrayed in every hall. “The names might be in the name of building or classes. It could be the names of the parents of the donators,” said Saidul Amin.

On the same occasion, the Governor of Riau, Drs H Syamsuar MSi explained that based on the year of establishment in 2008, UMRI is relatively new. However, the campus has been established rapidly by standing in the big four campuses. “In its first year, it has only 5 faculties with 13 study programs, but currently, it has 8 faculties with 26 departments. At first, we had 421 students, but today, we have 13.000 students,” said Syamsuar.

He also highlighted that UMRI has made various achievements in lecturers competencies, study program accreditation, research grant, community services, lecturers scientific works, and regional-national student achievements in the rapid improvement. He also mentioned that following Riau governmental vision and mission in improving human resources, he, as Riau governor, had disbursed various financial assistances including achievement scholarship and bidik misi.

“For UMRI, we had assisted 748 students, including 310 students in bidik misi program, 346 for students with achievement, and 92 students with financial problems with the total 9,5 billion fund. It is our commitment to developing Riau education. We also assisted lecturers in further funding,” he said. For the classroom establishment proposal, Syamsuar noted that he is very supportive of the waqf program due to the lack of regulation to support at the local government level.

UMRI could accept waqf from various parties, including collaborating with private, CSR from companies and donators. “I asked UMRI to prepare the Expenditure Budget Planning and blueprint, so we can tell the donators to provide the waqf for lecturing hall,” said Syamsuar, the Governor who also the Daily Advisory Board.

Jamaluddin, IAIM Sinjai Lecture Officially Holds Doctoral Degree

Jamaluddin, IAIM Sinjai Lecture Officially Holds Doctoral Degree

Institut Agama Islam Muhammadiyah (IAIM) Sinjai on Thursday (04/11) had a new doctoral lecturer as Jamaluddin, officially held the degree. The doctoral degree was achieved after Jamaluddin, who also becomes the Head of the Islamic Studies Study Program (PAI) Tarbiyah and the Teacher Training Faculty (FTIK), defended his dissertation in front of the examiners, promotors, and co-promotor virtually through Zoom Meeting. The dissertation entitled “The Influence of Utilization of ICT Based Teaching Materials and Printed Materials on Motivation, Learning Activities and Result on Aqidah Akhlaq (faith and morality) Subject in MAN 1 Sinjai”.

This Head of Islamic Studies Study Program needed 3 years 2 months to finish the highest academic degrees conferred by Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar (UINAM) in Education and Teacher Training Speciality.

Alhamdulillah, in this afternoon, we have finished the outstanding achievement which is a doctoral promotion of Jamaluddin. As co-promotor, I congratulated hhim for the achievement in the doctoral degree as his highest academic degree. The degree would also add the academic loads for him,” Daeng Ilyas Ismail said.

He continued that the doctoral degree was an academic basket, “So, you have to keep on learning to keep fulfilling the doctoral basket. Also, do not forget to maintain the good name of alma mater everywhere you belong,” he added.

Moreover, Jamal, a nickname for Jamaluddin, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the family who supported and prayed for him. He also appreciated the rector and academic civitas of IAIM Sinjai for assisting him in pursuing the highest academic degree.

IAIM Sinjai currently has 18 lecturers with doctoral degrees (Strata-3) and 31 postgraduate students in well-known campuses in Indonesia and Malaysia.

Video-Making Contest and Modul Writing Competition of Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies (AIK) Learning in Learning Management System (LMS) based

Video-Making Contest and Modul Writing Competition of Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies (AIK) in Learning Management System (LMS) based

To strengthen the actualization of Muhammadiyah Ideology on the Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies Learning framework, at once to strengthen AIK lecturers in the Muhammadiyah Higher Education Institutions (PTMA) all over Indonesia, Muhammadiyah Central Board through Muhammadiyah Higher Education, Research and Development Council (Diktilitbang) holds Video-Making Contest and Modul Writing Competition of Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies (AIK) in Learning Management System (LMS) based.

Requirement: PTMA lecturers who teach Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies (AIK)


1.Video-Making Contest Criteria :

  • The video can be a short film, vlog, music video, parody, documentary, or any other kind of video.
  • The video format .mp4 or .mov;
  • The minimum video resolution is 1280×720 pixels; and
  • The maximum video duration is 3 minutes.


2.Modul Writing Competition Criteria :

  • The participants can pick one from the study materials from the AIK syllabus 1, 2, 3, and 4 from Muhammadiyah Diktilitbang Council.
  • The mandatory reading materials for the participants are :
    • Nashir H. Manhaj Gerakan Muhammadiyah Ideologi, Khittah, dan Langkah. Yogyakarta: Suara Muhammadiyah. 2009.
    • Nashir, H., Ideologi Gerakan Muhammadiyah, Yogyakarta : Suara Muhammadiyah, 2001.
    • AM, Mulkhan.Kiai Ahmad Dahlan : Jejak Pembaharuan Sosial, dan Kemanusiaan : Kado Satu Abad Muhammadiyah, Jakarta, PT. Kompas Media Nusantara, 2010.


Registration by filling the registration form at this link (here)



  • Registration: no later than October 5th, 2021
  • LMS and Video-Making Workshop: October 18th, 2021
  • Video-Making Contest and Modul Writing Competition: October 26th – November 10th, 2021
  • Competition review: November 10th – 17th, 2021
  • Winner announcement: November18th, 2021



The first place gets IDR 5.000.000,-

The second place gets IDR 4.000.000,-

The third-place gets IDR 3.000.000,-

The first runner-up gets IDR 2.000.000,-

The second runner-up gets IDR 1.000.000,-


AIK Competition Guideline (download here)

For further details, please follow and check the official account of Majelis Diktilitbang PP Muhammadiyah:

IG: @diktilitbang | @wartaptm

FP: Diktilitbang Muhammadiyah

TW: @diktilitbang
