Health and Technology Issues On Research Dissemination of CHERD

The last Thursday (22/04), Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development (CHERD) held Research Dissemination of RisetMu in the Covid-19 scheme. It was a second edition. Cesa Pratiwi dari Unisa Yogyakarta, Erlin Listiyaningsih from UM Prof. Dr. Hamka, and Yosi Apriyani from UM Palembang presented their research by the theme “Health and Technology Innovation”. The CHERD Youtube account broadcasted this agenda live.

Ahmad Romadhoni, as a moderator in this implementation, explained the three research titles and permitted each researcher to present the research result. First, Cesa Pratiwi explained the research entitled “Psychological Wellbeing and Coping Strategies of Midwives during Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: A Qualitative Study.” Afterwards, Erlin Listiyaningsih presented her research on “The Potential of mRNA-146a as Candidate Target for Inflammatory Cytokine Storm Prevention Therapy in the Covid-19 patients.” Lastly, Yosi Apriyani presented his research “Disinfectant Spray Design in Arduino Uno R3 and Solar Panel in Internet of Things (IoT) Utilization”.

After the presentation from each presenter, the following schedule was a discussion session. Ahmad Romadhoni, as moderator, gave each presenter a question. This session finished after 20 minutes. In his closing statements, Ahmad Romadhoni appreciated the exciting topics developed by the three presenters. “It is an effort to encourage the academicians to do research,” he concluded.

Health and Technology Issues On Research Dissemination of CHERD

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