The Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies Institute (LAIK) of the Institute of Islamic Studies Muhammadiyah (IAIM) Sinjai held a Tarjih Studies by raising the theme “Guidelines for the Dead Bodies Management” at the Darul Ilmi Mosque, IAIM Sinjai. Tuesday (10/01).
This Tarjih (outweighing between evidence) program invited the IAIM Sinjai Lecturer of Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies, Ust. Dr. Zulkarnain Mubhar, S.Th.I., M.Th.I. as a resource person, accompanied by the Secretary of LAIK, Eril, S.Pd., M.H. as the moderator and attended by dozens of students and several IAIM Sinjai leaders.
“We can make a similar program as this training to remind all of us, Kullu Nafsin Dzaikatul Maut, which means that every soul will surely taste death and the question now is how do we prepare for it,” said Ust. Zul at the beginning opened his material.
This recitation activity was also attended by students in the IAIM Sinjai Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan (AIK) Course. “So we also require students to take part in LAIK Recitation as a compulsory AIK subject for students,” said the Head of LAIK IAIM, Imam Zarkasyi Mubhar, M.Ag.
“This program related to the guidance on organizing the funeral is also important because it is Fardu Kifayah, which means that we are all obliged to understand the management of the funeral,” added the Head of LAIK. Also present at this occasion, the Vice Chancellor III for Student Affairs, Alumni and AIK, Dr. Muh. Anis, M. Hum.