IKIP Muhammadiyah (IKIPMu) Maumere collaborates with Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) in offering scholarships to pursue Master (S-2) and Doctoral (S-3) degrees at UMM. This program was marked by a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) agreement and followed by socialization from UMM Postgraduate Director, Prof. H. Akhsanul In’am, Ph.D at Ahmad Dahlan Building, Tuesday (16/05).
The agreement to pursue S-2 and S-3 degrees for lecturers, teachers, and Muhammadiyah preachers (mubaligh) have a positive impact on IKIPMu Maumere Staff and Lecturers. It was expressed by the Rector of IKIPMu Maumere in his speech in order to take this golden opportunity. “In this collaboration, I hope that IKIPMu Maumere staff and lecturers can take the opportunities that have been provided,” said Erwin Prastyo, S.T., M.Pd, Rector of IKIPMu Maumere.
One of the study programs that the Rector frequently mentioned is Pedagogy. In his statement, to have human resources that have Master of Pedagogy can be prepared for the Early Childhood Education (PAUD) and Elementary School Education (PGSD) study programs later. As a collaborative partner, on the same occasion, the Rector of IKIPMu Maumere asked for an explanation regarding where the lecturers from the 8 study programs in IKIPMu Maumere should continue their studies to Prof. H. Akhsanul In’am, Ph.D..
In socialization, the UMM professor has offered various kinds of scholarships for master and doctoral candidates from IKIPMu Maumere. It includes the scholarship for the Muhammadiyah Lecturer and Teacher, Mubaligh Scholarship and the Indonesian Education Scholarship (BPI) for Islamic Studies at UMM.
As for the master’s program for the Muhammadiyah Lecturer, Teacher, and Mubaligh Scholarship, there are several study programs offered including. Master of Pedagogy, Indonesian Education, English Education, Mathematics Education, Biology Education, and Islamic Studies. Currently, the registration process is ongoing for all programs with scholarships that have been offered.