UMS Research and Innovation Institute Launched 2022 UMS Research Schemes

Research and Innovation Institute (LRI) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) aimed to support the Rector of UMS in organizing the research and product innovation in the development of Islamic education and knowledge. To support the innovation, LRI launched six research schemes in 2022 at Moh. Djazman Auditorium on Friday (12/08).

The Chairman of LRI, Ir. Sunarjono, M.T, Ph.D. mentioned the six schemes for internal UMS to be applied to the lecturers. Three schemes develop the existing schemes, one scheme is a merger of several schemes, but the two other schemes are new. The research schemes were expected to encourage lecturers and students in conducting research, in implementing the Independent Learning Independent Campus program, multidisciplinary field, and producing excellent research output based on its scheme.

“Six schemes comprising: (1) Competitive Research (Rikom) is the development scheme of Perekom. It becomes the only scheme that can be accessed by lecturers with teaching staff status, (2) Competency Research consists of two schemes, Doctoral Competency Research (RKD) for lecturers with a doctoral degree and Professor Competency Research (RKP) which can be accessed by the Professors, (3) Postgraduate Research is a derivational scheme of the Director of Research, Technology, and Community Service (DRTPM), consists of Master Thesis Research (RTM) to support the final assignment research for Master students and the supervisors can access the scheme and Doctoral Dissertation Research (RDD) for the promotors,” Sri Sunarjono said.

Furthermore, Sri Sunarjono continued by mentioning three remaining schemes (4) Department Prominent Research (RUProdi) is the development of PUPS targeting to support department roadmap, (5) Innovative Productive Research (RISPRO) UMS becomes a merger scheme from the three previous schemes, including Pesatu, Pemitra, and Pinpru. It aims to support the research that is ready to be submitted in RISPRO LPDP, and the last (6) International Collaborative Research (RKI) was expected to improve Joint Research abroad.“ The launching of these research schemes was attended by the representatives of all faculty leaders and the center of studies at UMS.

“We hope these research schemes can encourage the lecturers to conduct more research, so the positive tradition of research can grow faster in UMS. These research schemes have 1 – 3 years with the total funding of 15 to 100 million rupiahs,” Dr. Ambarwati, MSi as the Head of Research Division of LRI UMS. Moreover, Ambarwati emphasized, “LRI appreciated all UMS researchers who contributed to arranging guidelines of research”.

The Head of Innovation Division of LRI, Prof Kun Harismah, Ph.D. explained, “In this innovation program, several methods have been shared, including the producing of e-catalog of prominent product, the submission of intellectual property of the lecturers, the lecturers’ competency mapping, the collaboration of Academy, Business, Government and Community), and consultant appointment in business incubators.” [] CHERD / UMS

Research and Innovation Institute Launched 2022 UMS Research Schemes

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