KKN of UAD Students Organize Workshop to Encourage Entrepreneurship

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) students who conducted the 96th community services (KKN) in 2022 organized an entrepreneurial workshop on Saturday-Sunday (27-28/08). The workshop raised the theme “The Opportunities and Challenges Workshop of Halal Product and Service Business in both Domestic and Export”. It was conducted in Palbapang, Bantul located in the Village Hall.

Dr. Abdul Choliq Hidayat, M.Si, the UAD field supervisor (DPL), and his team initiated the entrepreneurial workshop. It was due to the nonoptimal development of youth organization (Karang taruna) potency in Palbapang. As a speaker, Abdul also mentioned various programs from the Cooperation and Small and Medium Enterprise Office (Diskop UKM) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) that can be accessed by people in creative economy.

In his remarks, Palbapang Head, Sukirman, S.H. admitted that the workshop inspired him. He was also encouraged to develop the youth organization  optimally to be entrepreneurs in Palbapang. “It should be continued to produce numerous young entrepreneurs. They were motivated to elevate entrepreneurship, besides being farmers,” Sukirman highlighted. He also emphasized that he will prepare village budget to support the development of the Palbapang people.

Besides Abdul Choliq, the workshop also invited the other expert speakers to give their comprehensive materials, including Tri Harso Wibowo, Heru Heryawan, and the representative of Halal Center UIN Sunan Kalijaga. They committed to being ready to assist Palbapang people in developing their young generation to keep organizing similar agendas.

KKN UAD Students Organize Workshop to Encourage Entrepreneurship

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