The Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU), Prof Dr Agussani, MAP was officially inaugurated as the Professor in Social Science, the Faculty of Social and Political Science in the UMSU Main Campus Auditorium, Saturday (18/12).
In his remarks, H Edy Rahmayadi, the North Sumatera Governor, expected Prof Agussani’s achievement to enhance the professor quantity in North Sumatera significantly. However, he also mentioned that a professor should pursue quantity and elevate quality. “Undoubtedly, I also hope that North Sumatera can elevate the number of professors, however the most important is to increase both the quantity and quality of the professor,” he said.
Prof Dr Ibnu Fajar, the Institute for Higher Education Service (LLDIKTI) Regional North Sumatera, explained that the Professor’s duties to improve education quality are not effortless. “There is a significant load to carry, especially Prof Agussani also becoming a Rector of UMSU. I hope it will encourage the other professor establishment,” he said.
Moreover, it related to the academic world that being a professor was not only an intellectual but also responsible for knowledge development. Prof Abdul Mu’thi highlighted that a professor should lead to keep University’s dignity and moral integrity. “As professors, they should become promoters,” said the Secretary of Muhammadiyah Central Board. [] Diktilitbang