IMM STIT Muh Bojonegoro Held Ideological Training Follow-Up

Commissariat Board of Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM) Ahmad Dahlan STIT Muh Bojonegoro held Follow-Up agenda for Basic Ideological Training (Darul Arqam Dasar) 2021, located on Katur village, Gayam district, Saturday-Sunday (18-19/12). With the theme “To raise leadership in student with responsible and uphold the Three Basic Competence”, the agenda was supported by Muhammadiyah Regional Board of Bojonegoro, LazisMu Bojonegoro, ‘Aisyiyah Regional Board of Bojonegoro, the Head of STIT Muhammadiyah Bojonegoro, Alumni Communication Forum (Fokal) IMM Bojonegoro, and other parties.

IMM was expected to contribute to the problems of cadres and the broader community, although in the Covid-19 pandemic condition. IMM movement was based on three aspects, known as Three Basic Competence in Religiosity (Islamic Intelligence), Intellectual (Intellectual Intelligence), and Humanity (Community Service).

Moreover, as supported agenda, there were Qur’anic Tahfidz for Qur’an Education students, a leadership talk show for the youth, problematic discussion for student organization and society, liquid detergent production training with Family Welfare Programme (PKK) members, and DAD follow-up agenda. In addition, the final schedule included Social Assistance disbursement in 70 package groceries for the underprivileged persons collaborated with Katur Village government and LazisMu Bojonegoro.

Sukono, as the Village Chief, appreciated the agenda. “IMM Commissariat Board of Ahmad Dahlan has provided a beneficial program for us. I hope similar programs would be conducted, and we, on behalf of people in Katur are ready to collaborate with IMM members,” he said. Muhammadiyah Branch Board of Gayam, Ust. Amin Ramadhoni also prompted with An-Nisa’ verse 122 citation, “But those who believe and do deeds of righteousness,- we shall soon admit them to gardens, with rivers flowing beneath,-to dwell therein forever. Allah´s promise is the truth, and whose word can be truer than Allah´s?”

On the other hand, the IMM Commissariat Board of Ahmad Dahlan, Miftakhur Rizki Ramadlan, explained that a militant cadre required a long process, with patience, perseverance, learning, and removing any doubts. He cited General Soedirman’s statement, “It is hard to be Muhammadiyah cadres. If you are hesitant and indecision, you better go home,” he said.

At the same time, Ahmad Rohman, as the Committee Chief of the DAD follow-up agenda, mentioned the primary expectation of IMM cadres. “I hope that IMM can actively contribute to build self up both in campus and communities. We are the new cadres who need assistance from seniors, Fokal IMM, and various parties. I expect that we can realize IMM jargon, ‘Graceful in Morality, Excellent in Intellectuality’ Anggun Dalam Moral, Unggul Dalam Intelektual,” he said.

IMM STIT Muh Bojonegoro Held Ideological Training Follow-Up

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