UM Surabaya Socialized Sexual Violence Prevention Program

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) discussed a procedure of sexual violence treatment on Saturday (19/02). The explanation was delivered by the Institute for Gender Studies (LKG) UM Surabaya. Mas’ulah, the Head of LKG UM Surabaya, responded to the probability of sexual violence on campus that has power relation in structural, administrative, and academic positions.

Mas’ulah opened her presentation by stating the discussion background is the finding of inequality in power relations between the perpetrators and victims in sexual violence cases. “The locus, focus, and mode of sexual violence in universities and any other educational institutions are different from other places. The tendency shows that sexual perpetrators are not uneducated, but they also have power in various forms and levels,” he said on the UM Surabaya site.

Furthermore, the prevention steps by UM Surabaya to stop the sexual harassment on campus comprise dual actions, including anticipation and mitigation. First, establishing a Task Force for Sexual Violence Prevention and Treatment in Higher Education Institutions. The Task Force would also serve as a follow-up action to the Regulation of the Indonesia Minister of Education and Culture, Research and Technology No 30 of 2021. Second, to ensure the perpetrators would have an assertive process and get sanctions based on the law.

She also emphasized the importance of strengthening moral values, including religious, cultural, and social values. She also mentioned the preventive acts to provide sex education. This education would include understanding sexual harassment, assault, and how to report a sexually violent crime.

UM Surabaya Socialized Sexual Violence Prevention Program

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