Five MHEIs Collaborate To Examine Alternative Medicine Materials

Five Muhammadiyah Higher Education Institutions (MHEIs), including UM Malang, UM Lamongan, UM Banjarmasin, UM Bandung, and Pharmacy College of Muhammadiyah Cirebon, collaborated to examine alternative medicine materials from water hyacinth and orange peel extract. The research initiated by Apt. Dra. Uswatun Chasanah, MKes, as the UMM Lecturer, receives funding from the Association of Muhammadiyah-’Aisyiyah Pharmacy Higher Education (APTFMA).

“If this water hyacinth and orange peel extract have a good result, both materials will create more affordable medicine. It is caused by the price of materials being relatively less expensive than import materials from foreign countries,” said Ina, the lecturer from MHEIs.

Furthermore, Ina also explained that water hyacinth and orange peel were selected due to the high cellulose fiber and antioxidants concentration. It also proliferates and is easily obtained. These advantages can help the production process of medicine in the laboratory to an industrial scale. “The water hyacinth has been known to have a high concentration of cellulose fiber for 60% of cellulose, 8% of hemicellulose, and 17% lignin. At the same time, the orange peels have cellulose composition of 5,36%. By having this high percentage of cellulose composition, both materials provide pharmaceutical raw materials,” she said.

According to Ina, the research has reached the water hyacinth and orange peel extraction stage. “I expect that our research can produce a positive outcome. So the Indonesian pharmaceutical industry has another alternative in the medicine raw material. It also can provide medicine at an affordable price for all communities,” she concluded, as reported on the UMM site. [] UMM / CHERD

Five MHEIs Collaborate To Examine Alternative Medicine Materials

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