UMJ Entrepreneurial Training Empowers MSME in Hamboro

UMJ Entrepreneurial Training Empowers MSME in Hamboro

Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta (UMJ) organized an Entrepreneurial Training on Friday (19/08). The training raised Local Wisdom-based Economic Business Development with a sociopreneur concept. It was organized by the Student Organization Capacity Building Program (PPK Ormawa). PPK Ormawa is a part of the Social Welfare Student Association (HMKS) in the Faculty of Social and Political Science, UMJ. The training was located in Hambaro Village, Nanggung, Bogor. The business owners of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) participated in this entrepreneurial training.

The PPK Ormawa team was led by Akbar Mukti Laksana and under the guidance of Muhammad Sahrul SSos MSi as the Head of Social Welfare studies had a high commitment. They committed to keep developing the potency of MSMEs in Hambaro. It raised the Capacity Building and Mapping of Human Resources and Community Culture.

The program invited Dr. Endang Rudiatin MSi, the Head of Muhammadiyah Center of Entrepreneurship & Business Incubator Association. It aimed to encourage the Hambaro community to develop MSME to optimize human resources and cultural values. “There is an intention to develop and its natural potency is also supportive. Moreover, it requires support from Local Government and UMJ as higher education institutions to assist how they develop their business well,” Endang said.

Wahyu, one of the participants, mentioned that Hambaro village has various potencies. However, the community has no good understanding to improve micro-enterprises. So he appreciated the training. “The Hambaro community has varied potencies but they were confused to start a business. With UMJ students’ assistance, it will help to raise the local potencies and diverse food products, including the chips of banana, eggplant, papaya, cassava, and many other products,” he said.

UMGO Rector Welcomes 748 New Students on Its First Term

UMGO Rector Greets 748 New Students on Its First Admission Term

The excellent and progressive campus, Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo (UMGO) ranked the first top private university in Gorontalo in 2022 in the Webometrics version and UniRank released in July 2022. UMGO also ranked in the top 30 Muhammadiyah Higher Education Institutions (MHEIs) in Indonesia, 29 from 171 institutions spread from Sabang to Merauke, and one institution in Malaysia.

Considering that being the best private university in Gorontalo, the Rector of UMGO, Prof. Dr. Abd. Kadim Masaong was confident to encourage 748 new students that passed in the first term in the Indoor Building of David Bibihoe Akib (19/08).

Prof. Kadim delivered materials in front of the new students with a warm welcome. “Welcome the 2022/2023 new students to UMGO campus by developing CITRA. Together, we design the future in the current era,” he said. CITRA derives from Smart, High Integrity and Innovative, Transparent, Religious, Trustworthy, and Accountable. It becomes a specific character for the UMGO academician, starting from the leaders, lecturers, educational personnel, and students.

He continued that specifically, the students should own a motto and encouragement to face global challenges with a strong faith in Allah, prayers, and hard work. He also encouraged all students to stand up and pronounce it aloud.

Besides encouraging students, he also mentioned the advantages of the Independent Learning Independent Campus (MBKM) with Dormitory program including, deepening religious studies, strengthening experience and habituation, developing soft skills, mastering the International language, and promoting identities.

The MBKM program with a dormitory is different from the boarding school program. The dormitory program has more flexible rules with a Wi-Fi connection to do the IT-based tasks. It aims to ease students in finishing their tasks and apply Information Technology to face modern world challenges.

As reported, the Vice Rector III, Dr. Apris Ara Tilome, the Committee Chief of Student Admission added that 748 students became the first-term students that passed and followed the Freshmen Orientation (PESMABA) starting from 25 to 28 August 2022. Besides Rector’s welcoming speech, they also receive several preparations to follow the orientation,” he said.

Currently, UMGO has opened the second admission term and would be closed on 15 September 2022. It would be announced after the deadline. “Alhamdulillah, several students have enrolled to the Admissions committees, but they have not submitted the tuition fee and infaq yet. I hope it will be completed before we announce in the second admission term,” said Apris, the Committee Chief of Student Admission.

Elevating Student Competency, UMSU Collaborates With Indonesia’s Biggest Shipyard Industry

Elevating Student Competency, UMSU Collaborates With Indonesia’s Biggest Shipyard Industry

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU) collaborated with one of the biggest shipyard industries in Indonesia, Waruna Shipyard Indonesia (WSI) company in realizing the Independent Learning Independent Campus Program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology.

The collaborative commitment was started by the signing of inscriptions in wastewater treatment system installation in collaboration between the Engineering Faculty, UMSU, and WSI company. The inscription was directly signed by the Rector of UMSU, Prof. Dr. Agussani MAP, and the Business Unit Director, PT. Waruna Shipyard Indonesia (WSI), Tarsan Salim in the Belawan shipyard area, Medan, Thursday (18/08).

“The collaboration has a great impact on higher education and industry. For UMSU, the collaboration is a dedication and actual work result of UMSU lecturers and the success of the internship program and Independent Learning, Independent Campus (MBKM) program of UMSU students,” said the Rector.

The Rector continued that the collaboration with PT WSI, the second biggest shipyard industry in Indonesia should be optimized. Besides the engineering students, the other students from different faculties could contribute to improving competency.

“I expect that the collaboration would be optimized and I appreciated PT WSI’s commitment to providing the opportunity for the students to learn and develop their ability and competency in the industrial world. It also overcomes the demand of the Independent Learning, Independent Campus (MBKM) program,” he said.

The team from the Engineering faculty was directly involved in the wastewater treatment plant (IPAL) of WSI company by using environmentally friendly technology, and synthesis bacteria of Sulfur Synthetic Bacteria. The use of this synthesis bacteria neutralizes the solid and liquid wastes produced by the ship and shipyard operation process.

The wastewater treatment plant by the WIS that collaborated with the Engineering Faculty UMSU consists of six tanks. Each tank serves to process the waste and convert it into an effluent that can be returned to the water cycle.

The Director of the Business Unit of WSI, Tarsan Salim explained that his shipyard company had received various ISO certifications and was concerned about not polluting the environment, especially, how to neutralize the waste.

He also appreciated the collaboration with the Engineering Faculty at UMSU in wastewater treatment. He highlighted that his company was open to collaboration with other programs in elevating students’ competency.

Twelve Lecturers of Unismuh Palu Received Lecturer Certification

Twelve Lecturers of Unismuh Palu Received Lecturer Certification

Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu (Unismuh Palu) sent twelve lecturers to follow the First Term Certification of the Lecturer (Serdos) in 2022. Interestingly, twelve lecturers had passed the certification based on the announcement on Wednesday (10/08) and Thursday (11/08). The announcement was released on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Culture after the assessment that conducted two months ago, 16 June 2022. This online certification involved assessors from various reputable higher education institutions in Indonesia.

Twelve lecturers comprise Dr. Patta Dua, SE., M.P (Agricultural Faculty); Nur Salim, S.Kom., M.Kom (Engineering Faculty); Fery, S.Sos., M.Si (Social and Political Science Faculty); Ahmad Yani, S.KM., M. Kes.; Sri Wahyudin M. SH., MH (Public Health Faculty); Moh Nafri, SH., MH (Law Faculty); Abdul Rahman, SE., MM.; Cahyaning R, S.Kom., MM; Dasah Febriyanti, SE., MM; Mutmainnah, SE., MM (Economics and Business Faculty); Ardiansyah A Lasawali, S.S. M.Hum (Islamic Studies Faculty); dan Andi Pambewali, S.Pd., M.Pd (Teacher Training and Education Faculty).

The Vice Rector II of Unismuh Palu, Burhanuddin SE, MM admitted that he was grateful and proud for the lecturers’ achievement in the certification.

He continued to mention that the certification would impact positively for Unismuh Palu. Besides primarily benefiting the individuals, the certification would benefit the higher education institution. The certified lecturers are involved in the qualified human resource for an institution. Because when they have the competency to be certified, they are capable and competent in lecturing. Also, it includes one assessment point of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) in qualified human resource criteria.

Commemorating Independence Day, Uhamka Disburses Funds for 1,000 Orphans

Celebrates Independence Day, Uhamka Disburses Funds for 1,000 Orphans

Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof DR HAMKA (Uhamka), the top 22 Islamic university in the world, the top 10 Indonesian university, and an excellent-accredited university, held a flag-raising ceremony commemorating the 77th Independence Day of Indonesia. Besides celebrating Independence Day, Uhamka also celebrated its excellent-accredited achievement by financial disbursement for 1,000 orphans, Wednesday (17/08).

On this occasion, Prof Gunawan Suryoputro, the Rector; Prof Abd. Rahman A. Ghani, the Vice Rector I; Zamah Sari, the Vice Rector II; Lelly Qodariah, the Vice Rector III; and Bunyamin, the Vice Rector IV attended the commemoration. The Deans, Director, the Head of Bureau, the Secretary of University, Units, lecturers, educational personnel, students, and various stakeholders also attended in the courtyard.

In his remarks, Prof Gunawan Suryoputro mentioned that the excellent-accredited status was a special gift for Uhamka. All academic civitas should improve various supporting aspects, including the governance system and pioneering research. “The excellent accreditation status becomes a huge trust for Uhamka. So we should synergize and work hard to maintain and improve the accreditation status through valuable service, developed governance, and constantly updated research,” Prof Gunawan said.

Furthermore, Prof Gunawan expressed his gratitude due to the great trust of the communities. Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof DR HAMKA, through LazisMu Uhamka, disbursed financial assistance for 1,000 orphans. It represented KH Ahmad Dahlan’s purpose in implementing social service. “The assistance disbursed becomes our concern to the communities as KH Ahmad Dahlan’s mandate. On this occasion, we entrusts LazisMu Uhamka to disburse this financial assistance,” he said.

Nandi Rahman, the Head Office of LazisMu Uhamka informed that on Tuesday night (16/08), the financial assistance of 127,200,000 had been received by LazisMu Uhamka. It was a donation from all lecturers and educational personnel. The number was elevated because Uhamka disbursed another 121,000,000 result in a total of 248,200,000.

Alhamdulillah, we highly appreciated all donors for vying in doing the good deeds (fastabiqul khairat) for Uhamka Peduli Yatim/Piatu/Yatim Piatu. I pray for you, I hope Allah manifold increases the infaq and sadaqah through LazisMu,” Nandi said. Apart from that, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof DR HAMKA, through the Academic Bureau, will foster and monitor the Bidikmisi scholarship awardees to maintain their motivation. Also, it will honor the students with achievements.

Unisa Sent 711 Students For Community Service, The Rector Has Four Highlights

Unisa Sent 711 Students For Community Service, The Rector Has Four Highlights

The slogan “Community Service brings benefits in closer presence ” becomes an encouraging spirit for the students who follow the Community Service (KKN). That was a statement from the Rector of Universitas ‘Aisyiyah (UNISA) Yogyakarta when delivering her remarks on sending the students off to the 2022 Regular and International Community Service Program. Seven hundred and eleven students attended the procession on Unisa Yogyakarta campus, Thursday (18/08).

Community Service becomes an academic activity and community service in every university. This year, the Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) of Unisa Yogyakarta raised the theme “Post-Pandemic Recovery: Brings Benefits in Closer Presence”.

The Rector of Unisa Yogyakarta, Warsiti, prompted all students to demonstrate actual works in the communities. She highlighted that they should provide benefits for others.

Afterward, Warsiti also mentioned four main highlights, including implementing the Progressive Islam values and representing noble characters (akhlaqul karimah) to be good role models in the communities. Moreover, the students were expected to be smart in using social media and implementing interprofessional education (IPE) by multi-discipline collaboration.

Fayakun Nur Rohmah, S.ST, MPH, the Coordinator of Community Service Division, LPPM explained that KKN 2022 comprises two types, regular and international. “In organizing regular KKN, Unisa collaborates with four regencies/cities in the Special Region of Yogyakarta: Sleman, Bantul, Kulon Progo, and Yogyakarta City, also, several Muhammadiyah and ‘Aisyiyah Local and Branch Board. Meanwhile, for the International KKN, Unisa collaborated with Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development (CHERD),” she said. Seven hundred and eight students follow the regular KKN, while the other three students follow the International KKN in Malaysia.

Commemorating Independence Day, UMMU Rector Improves Lecturer’s Welfare

Commemorating Independence Day, UMMU Rector Improves Lecturer’s Welfare

On the 77th Independence Day, Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara (UMMU) commemorated the Independence Day with encouraging news from the Rector, Prof Dr. Saiful Deni. Along with the Daily Advisory Board (BPH), the Vice-Rectors, and related structural boards, Prof Saiful announced that UMMU lecturers will receive a raise in pay by 25% and 13th salary. “UMMU ensures to be independent in improving the welfare of its lecturers and BPH staff,” he said in the Senate Building, UMMU Rectorate, Monday (15/08).

The high percentage of the raise before Independence Day was a unique way to celebrate Indonesia’s special day. The announcement was stated by Vice Rector II UMMU, Dr. Ranita Rope, SP, MSc in her presentation “InsyaAllah, there will be a raise in pay for 25% from the base salary. We have 18% of lecturers that reach minimum wage. Step by step, all of our lecturers will reach the minimum wage and it is not impossible we will exceed public servants,” she said.

The allowances that was granted automatically increase the amount of husband/wife and child allowance although it has a similar percentage. Prof Saiful emphasized in the Daily Board meeting that the tagline ‘UMMU Berbenah’ in its 21st anniversary should increase the staff’s welfare. It will use the real earning potential, commitment, consistency, and discipline in implementing the regulation and good governance of higher education institutions. Five strategies were also mentioned, including first, optimizing the source of finance excluding the tuition fees and laboratory management system, practices in particular subjects, project-based learning, fieldwork practice, internship, and extension class. Second, allocating the salary of non-active lecturers and staff for the additional fund in the budget of raise. Third, formulating the Budget Plan based on the key performance indicator. Fourth, designing the creativity of academic civitas activities based on the re-accreditation instrument. Lastly, ensuring the optimization of productive business units, including UMMU Mart, UMMU RES, Kota Janji, Agritourism, and MSME assistance based on each department and faculty. UMMU keeps developing and improving from time to time so the experience to regulate finance governance in the second term of Prof Saiful Deni’s leadership could be well-organized.

IAIM Sinjai Delegation, Asriani Abbas Follows Librarian Competency Certification

IAIM Sinjai Delegation, Asriani Abbas Follows Librarian Competency Certification

The Institute of Islamic Studies Muhammadiyah Sinjai (IAIM Sinjai) sent its delegation to Central Jakarta on Monday-Tuesday (15-16/08). As the delegation of IAIM Sinjai, Asriani Abbas serves as the Head Librarian for IAI Muhammadiyah Sinjai. Recently, she followed the Assessment of Librarian Competency Certification. The certification was organized by the Librarian Certification Institute (LSP) located in the National Library (Perpusnas) Indonesia, Salemba Street, Central Jakarta.

Asriani Abbas followed the assessment with 16 other librarians. The other librarians were from several different universities in Indonesia. Two institutions include the Indonesia International Institute for Life Science and Singapore National Academy.

On this occasion, the Head of the Librarian Training Center of Perpusnas Indonesia opened the assessment. She was accompanied by the Lead Assessor of Competency. Asriani Abbas, while undertook the assessment, expected the improvement of the IAI Muhammadiyah Sinjai library. “I hope IAIM Sinjai Library will improve its library service. I also hope it will elevate the quality. Also, the librarians of IAIM Sinjai will own their certifications and follow the assessment of the Librarian Certification Institute,” he said.

UMS Held Flag Raising Ceremony to Recall Muhammadiyah Roles in Education

UMS Flag-Raising Ceremony Recalls Muhammadiyah Roles in Education

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS), for the first time after the Covid-19 pandemic, held a flag-raising ceremony commemorating the 77th Indonesian Independence Day in the Siti Walidah courtyard. The flag raising ceremony conducted offline was attended by the UMS lecturers and educational personnel on Wednesday (17/08).

In his remarks, the Rector of UMS, Prof. Dr. Sofyan Anif, M.Si mentioned that the founding fathers’ struggle was in line with Muhammadiyah’s ideas to spread Islam, and renew the Islamic modern perspective, and way of life that result in the raising of the Islamic community in Indonesia.

“In education, for example, several Muhammadiyah service institutions in education experienced rapid development. Because in the very first establishment, Muhammadiyah had made education the way we fought for. One of the factors that result in the institutional existence in education initiative is because of the inefficiency of educational institutions back then,” Sofyan Anif said.

Moreover, by this educational institution’s existence, it was expected to build strong character in the young generation of the nations, because education is an essential element of the livelihood of the people, especially the younger generation. The rapid development of the era and the sophisticated technology demanded every individual to develop in education.

The Secretary of the Rector, Prof. Dr. Anam Sutopo, S.Pd, M.Hum also mentioned several goals of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta to be a world-class university and have various national achievements in education. It was a challenge but he believed that the academic atmosphere at UMS will become a world-class campus.

To Empower Indigenous People, UMP Collaborates With People’s Planet Project, Netherlands

To Empower Indigenous People, UMP Collaborates With People’s Planet Project, Netherlands

Fruitful collaboration from the Geography Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto (UMP) Banyumas, Central Java continues. The latest collaboration was with the People’s Planet Project, The Netherlands.

The Head of Geography Education, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UMP, Dr.rer.nat Anang Widhi Nirwansyah, M.Sc explained that he and Bagas Widiyantoro, his student, were trusted to create mapping tutorial video for the young cadres of the Orang Rimba from Kelompok Makekal Bersama (KMB).

“My student from Geography UMP and I were appointed to involve in GeoStory Camp, especially the Southeast Asia area. The next project is in Papua New Guinea. Currently, we have arranged to get international funding to empower indigenous people of Orang Rimba Jambi,” he said, Thursday (18/08).

As reported, the People’s Planet Project, The Netherland is a non-profit institution in community empowerment through participatory film and geospatial data. “To continue the collaboration to domestic and abroad parties, the Geography Education of UMP has collaborated with People’s Planet Project that aims to empower the indigenous people to protect the forest and its biodiversity through participatory film and geospatial data,” he concluded.