UMJ Entrepreneurial Training Empowers MSME in Hamboro

Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta (UMJ) organized an Entrepreneurial Training on Friday (19/08). The training raised Local Wisdom-based Economic Business Development with a sociopreneur concept. It was organized by the Student Organization Capacity Building Program (PPK Ormawa). PPK Ormawa is a part of the Social Welfare Student Association (HMKS) in the Faculty of Social and Political Science, UMJ. The training was located in Hambaro Village, Nanggung, Bogor. The business owners of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) participated in this entrepreneurial training.

The PPK Ormawa team was led by Akbar Mukti Laksana and under the guidance of Muhammad Sahrul SSos MSi as the Head of Social Welfare studies had a high commitment. They committed to keep developing the potency of MSMEs in Hambaro. It raised the Capacity Building and Mapping of Human Resources and Community Culture.

The program invited Dr. Endang Rudiatin MSi, the Head of Muhammadiyah Center of Entrepreneurship & Business Incubator Association. It aimed to encourage the Hambaro community to develop MSME to optimize human resources and cultural values. “There is an intention to develop and its natural potency is also supportive. Moreover, it requires support from Local Government and UMJ as higher education institutions to assist how they develop their business well,” Endang said.

Wahyu, one of the participants, mentioned that Hambaro village has various potencies. However, the community has no good understanding to improve micro-enterprises. So he appreciated the training. “The Hambaro community has varied potencies but they were confused to start a business. With UMJ students’ assistance, it will help to raise the local potencies and diverse food products, including the chips of banana, eggplant, papaya, cassava, and many other products,” he said.

UMJ Entrepreneurial Training Empowers MSME in Hamboro

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