UM Palopo Organizes Judicium of Economic and Business Faculty Student

Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo (UM Palopo) held a judicium procession on Thursday (18/08). The judicium became a part of the graduation process for the Economic and Business Faculty (FEB). Eighty-two students followed this procession that was located on the Second Floor of the FEB Building, UM Palopo.

UM Palopo students that comprised 18 students of Economics and Development Studies (IESP), 44 students in the Management department, and 20 students in the Accounting department followed the procession. On this occasion, the lecturers and staff also attended the judicium. The Vice Dean I of the Economic and Business Faculty, Dr. Antong SE MSi reported the number to the audience.

Furthermore, the Dean of FEB, Hapid SE MM delivered his remarks. He mentioned that the alumni were required to contribute to the communities. It is in line with the Vice Rector III statement, Prof Dr. H Suhardi M Anwar MM. He delivered a mandate of the judiciary and mentioned that the alumni were a university image. “Alumni become images of the alma mater, so they should actively participate and become role models in the communities. I expect that the alumni give positive impressions to the communities to illustrate that UM Palopo alumni can contribute to the broader communities,” he said.

UM Palopo Organizes Judicium of Economic and Business Faculty Students

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