Twelve Lecturers of Unismuh Palu Received Lecturer Certification

Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu (Unismuh Palu) sent twelve lecturers to follow the First Term Certification of the Lecturer (Serdos) in 2022. Interestingly, twelve lecturers had passed the certification based on the announcement on Wednesday (10/08) and Thursday (11/08). The announcement was released on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Culture after the assessment that conducted two months ago, 16 June 2022. This online certification involved assessors from various reputable higher education institutions in Indonesia.

Twelve lecturers comprise Dr. Patta Dua, SE., M.P (Agricultural Faculty); Nur Salim, S.Kom., M.Kom (Engineering Faculty); Fery, S.Sos., M.Si (Social and Political Science Faculty); Ahmad Yani, S.KM., M. Kes.; Sri Wahyudin M. SH., MH (Public Health Faculty); Moh Nafri, SH., MH (Law Faculty); Abdul Rahman, SE., MM.; Cahyaning R, S.Kom., MM; Dasah Febriyanti, SE., MM; Mutmainnah, SE., MM (Economics and Business Faculty); Ardiansyah A Lasawali, S.S. M.Hum (Islamic Studies Faculty); dan Andi Pambewali, S.Pd., M.Pd (Teacher Training and Education Faculty).

The Vice Rector II of Unismuh Palu, Burhanuddin SE, MM admitted that he was grateful and proud for the lecturers’ achievement in the certification.

He continued to mention that the certification would impact positively for Unismuh Palu. Besides primarily benefiting the individuals, the certification would benefit the higher education institution. The certified lecturers are involved in the qualified human resource for an institution. Because when they have the competency to be certified, they are capable and competent in lecturing. Also, it includes one assessment point of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) in qualified human resource criteria.

Twelve Lecturers of Unismuh Palu Received Lecturer Certification

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