Through Exchange Program, UM Kupang Tolerance Culture Is Admitted

Through Exchange Program, UM Kupang Tolerance Culture Is Admitted

Universitas Muhammadiyah Kupang (UM Kupang) participated in the Independent Student Exchange Program (PMM) organized by the Indonesia Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. Fifty-two students from several campuses followed this program, including the Institute for Teacher Training and Education (IKIP) Siliwangi, Institute Pendidikan Indonesia, IKIP Budi Utomo Malang, and many other institutions.

Veronika, one of the exchange students, mentioned her experience studying in UM Kupang regarding the tolerance culture. She also explained the students in UM Kupang make good relationships and help each other without differentiating tribe, race, and religious views. “I am grateful to have an opportunity to study at UMK. I am a Christian, and I was informed to learn in UMK. From the name of the campus, I thought the majority of Moslem studied here, but here, there are also many Christian and Catholic students,” said Veronika, Friday (14/01).

In his remarks, the Rector of UM Kupang prompted the exchange students to consider the advantages and disadvantages of studying in UM Kupang. He mentioned a process for improvement. Especially the curriculum used by the lecturers has adequate qualification and competency in specific subjects. To be an excellent person is not related to facilities, infrastructure, and particular campus, however, it is from those who have a prominent personality. “We become the primary character in our life, so you should not think that our capacities depend on the lecturers, curriculum, facilities, but it within ourselves,” said Dr Zainur Wula, M.Si. [] UMK / CHERD

UM Palopo Students Followed Formasita Goes To Senayan Season 3

UM Palopo Student Followed Formasita Goes To Senayan Season 3

Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo (UM Palopo) student followed a ceremony to release participants for Tamsil Linrung Aspiration Scholarship Forum (Formasita) Goes to Senayan Season 3 on Monday (10/12). It was located in the Medical Science Faculty Auditorium, Universitas Hasanuddin. The South Sulawesi government, Vice-Rector III Universitas Hasanuddin, Vice-Rector II UNM Makassar, and Vice-Rector II UM Palopo attended the ceremony. In addition, several Boards from various higher education institutions also presented.

In the third season of Formasita, the participants visited Jakarta to join cultural expeditions by visiting other cities, including Bogor, Yogyakarta, and Surabaya. With the theme “Gapura Anak Bangsa” The Arch of Nations, Formasita Season 3 added more programs than two previous seasons. “Formasita Goes To Senayan (FGTS) 3 becomes the most significant programs divided into three clusterization, including organization, education, and Formasita training,” said the Vice-Chairman II of Human Resource Formasita, Muhammad Edwin Ilwas.

Ratna, an English Education department student in UM Palopo followed FGTS 3 for 24 days. The Dean of the Faculty of Teaching Training and Education (FKIP) UM Palopo, Dr Imam Pribadi MPdI appreciated his student’s achievement and had already prepared a credit for Ratna. “The program is a representative medium for the young nations, especially in South Sulawesi to take strategic parts in dynamic national conditions. We reward students that always have positive contributions and maintain a good name in UM Palopo,” said Dr Imam, as reported on UMPalopo.

Muhammadiyah CHERD Acknowledges UMSB Rapid Development

Muhammadiyah CHERD Acknowledges UMSB Rapid Development

As a Muhammadiyah Higher Education Institution (MHEI) that was encouraged to develop in several years, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat (UMSB) has improved rapidly and deserved to be appreciated. From the human resource, forty-three lecturers from 198 held their doctoral degrees which are above the national average of doctoral lecturers ratio. The number of students is over 5000 people that placed UMSB as the middle range MHEIs among 166 institutions in Indonesia. That was a statement of Deputy Chair of Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development (CHERD), Prof Edy Suandi Hamid as the Coordinator of MHEIs Sumatera Assistance to respond to the report of UMSB Rector, Dr Riki Saputra on the assisting agenda in UMSB Campus, Wednesday (12/01).

Prof Edy was accompanied by Prof Sjafri Sairin, Dr Budhi Akbar, and Dr Sulaiman. “With the big picture of UMSB, currently, it has a high potency to develop rapidly to establish as an excellent, prominent, high competitiveness university,” said Prof Edy. On the other hand, historically, UMSB is the oldest MHEI in Indonesia that was relatively left behind in development and operated without accelerative management.

In addition, Sumatera Barat is a province with a high cadre quantity that has a strong Muhammadiyah ideological status compared to the other province. “Therefore, it should be an extra effort to elevate UMSB as a leading university, both in Sumatera Barat and national, especially if we compare with other universities,” said Prof Edy to UM Sumbar leaders. On this occasion, Dr Riki Saputra reported 13 details of problems faced by UM Sumbar. “The accreditation standard transformation and the paid Independent Accreditation Institute (LAM) will be our problem. The hybrid learning process in the Covid period will also influence the UMSB learning process and qualities,” said the Rector of UM Sumbar.

UM Surabaya Sends PGSD Students To Teach In Emergency Shelters

UM Surabaya Sends PGSD Students To Teach In Emergency Shelters

The Disaster Response Students (Matana) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) provided educational assistance on the disaster site in Pronojiwo, Lumajang last Monday (10/01). Lumajang Regency, East Java has become an affected area due to the ash clouds and eruption flaming rocks of Semeru Mountain in early December. In that area, one school is terribly damaged, five schools are damaged, and 19 other schools are covered by the ashes. Therefore, UM Surabaya sent Matana to the affected site. The second Matana team has arrived since Tuesday (04/01) and will stay until Monday (17/01).

Lailatun Ni’mah and Kumala Sari, the students from Elementary School Education Program (PGSD) are the volunteers from Matana. Both of them have a role teaching 105 students in educational emergency shelters of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. “I was glad when I received the offer to teach in the affected area. We teach and motivate in SD 2 Sumpit Urang, Pronojiwo, Lumajang. One of the motivations to share with the students’ full of spirit. They asked me to teach every day,” said Lailatun, as reported in the UM Surabaya site.

The Head of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), Dede Nasrullah explained that Lailatun Ni’mah and Kumala Sari volunteerism to complete the crucial needs in the disaster-affected area. Muhammadiyah Council for Environment and Disaster Management of East Java Province Board (PWM Jatim) officially requested the assistance. “Lailatun and Kumala have one-month duties from 10 January. Both shared a place with the Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC) team of PWM Jatim located in Pronojiwo Lumajang. Besides sharing knowledge, I hope both of them can take advantage of this opportunity. Also, they can learn from every activity that happens in the disaster site,” said Dede.

MSPP Batch IV Encourages Cadres In Global Diasporas

MSPP Batch IV Encourages Cadres In Global Diasporas

After a three-month English proficiency improvement program, Muhammadiyah Scholarship Preparation Program (MSPP) Batch IV officially held a closing agenda on the PPPPTK Building for Arts and Culture of Yogyakarta, Tuesday (11/01). The total of MSPP participants was 46 people with two different placements. Twenty-four participants studied in UM Yogyakarta, and twenty-two participants were in UM Surakarta.

“Besides learning to get a higher IELTS score, we also learned about the research plan arrangement and were informed about the preparation to study abroad,” said Alfalisyado, the Chief of UMS team. Meanwhile, Gilang Rusadi, the Chief of the UMY group added various agendas followed by participants, including tahsin (improvement) and tahfidz (memorization) Al-Qur’an, Preaching, tahajjud prayer, Sharing session, individual learning, and many others.

There are two concepts of the program, the achievement and commitment as Muhammadiyah cadres. “You all are a part of Muhammadiyah, so you should understand about Muhammadiyah, especially Muhammadiyah values such as Islam Wasathiyah (moderate Islam) and others,” said Dr Ari Anshori MAg, the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Council for Cadre Education.

Prof Lincolin Arsyad was proud of the 46 participants who followed the program. “There are three participants who get Letter of Acceptance (LoA) in England and New Zealand. Hopefully, other participants will follow,” said Prof Lincolin, the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development (CHERD). He also prompted the participants to keep working on the study abroad preparation. MSPP Batch 4 should be scattered globally to pursue a higher degree, and it is evidence that Muhammadiyah has high qualified cadres.

The founding fathers of Muhammadiyah were persons with large-scope educational backgrounds so that Muhammadiyah cadres that follow MSPP could conduct diaspora and are crucial for its development. “One of the Muktamar (Congress) mandates is to continue the Muhammadiyah internationalization programs so that hopefully, MSPP participants will develop that particular programs,” said dr. Agus Taufiqurrahman, the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Board, in MSPP closing ceremony.

UMM Owns 5 More Professors

UMM Owns 5 More Professors

Each professor in Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) should uphold academic responsibilities by producing various scientific works. Also, the most crucial duty of a professor is to encourage the other lecturers to be professors by guiding the professor candidates in UMM. That was a statement from Dr Fauzan in the submission of three Decrees of Professor establishment and 64 other functional positions on UMM Campus, Tuesday (11/01). The Decrees were handed by the Head of the Institute for Higher Education Institution Service (L2DIKTI) Regional 7, Prof Soeprapto, and witnessed by the Deputy Chair of Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development (CHERD), Prof Edy Suandy Hamid.

Based on Dr Fauzan, the promotion aimed to accelerate the number of professors in Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. “In short, there are five more Decrees of Professor establishment for UMM. Currently, we own 24 professors,” said the Rector of UMM. Furthermore, Prof Edy appreciated various innovative strategies of the UMM Rector to improve professor quantity and UMM programs as the center of excellence. “In the Industrial Revolution 4.0, innovation and creativity are inevitable,” said Prof Edy to remind the lecturers to prepare themselves to be professors. Each lecturer should plan their further studies to own a doctoral degree and functionally become a professor. “Not to get the rector position or any other positions,” said Prof Edy. He also highlighted the new professor should keep working on academic duties. “Do not consider a professor as an ivory tower or a symbol of academic achievement,” he said.

Muhammadiyah CHERD Supports UM Sampit Establishment

Muhammadiyah CHERD Supports UM Sampit Establishment

Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development (CHERD) supports the establishment of Universitas Muhammadiyah Sampit (UM Sampit) in Kotawaringin Timur, Kalimantan Tengah. It was marked by the visitation of Dr Muh Samsudin as the Vice Secretary of Muhammadiyah CHERD and Prof Harun Joko Prayitno as the Member of CHERD on Saturday (08/01). The gathering and consolidation of this establishment were located in the Midwifery Academy Muhammadiyah Kotawaringin Timur (AKBID Muh Kotim). The Chairman of Muhammadiyah Province Board (PWM) Kalimantan Tengah, Prof Ahmad Syar’i and his boards; the Director of AKBID Muhammadiyah Kotawaringin Timur, Hardianti Aprina; the Head of the Advanced School of Teacher Training and Education (STKIP) Muhammadiyah Sampit, Mahmu’ddin; and many other Muhammadiyah boards. 

This first establishment in Sampit was a merger between AKBID Muh Kotim and STKIP Muh Sampit. Generally, the preparation of formal legal requirements, including adequate facilities and infrastructure, and human resources. In short, both higher education institutions would improve and add new study programs. “Currently, the government orientation is the merger. It is an aspiration from the grass root, and there is a regulation at the top level. Then, it meets on one point to establish UM Sampit or UM Kotawaringin Timur,” Prof Harun said for the details.

The merger of both institutions becomes an attempt to develop Muhammadiyah services in education to disseminate greater advantages. “There is enough evidence that the merger can elevate the institution’s development. Hopefully, the merger between AKBID and STKIP will develop the quality of higher education institutions,” said Dr. Samsudin. To optimize the preparation, the Preparation Team for UM Sampit Establishment. The team will also coordinate will all related parties for this establishment. Prof Ahmad Syar’i explained that UM Sampit establishment is for the Muhammadiyah members and the community nearby. “We are optimistic and keep working hard to make the goal happen,” he said.

UMY Collaborates With PT INKA To Create Hybrid Train

UMY Collaborates With PT INKA To Create Hybrid Train

The Lecturer Team of the Electrical Engineering Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) granted a funding invitation for productive innovative research (RISPRO). The Invited Rispro program was initiated by the Ministry of Finance Indonesia and collaborated with PT Industri Kereta Api (abbreviated as PT INKA, a state-owned enterprise in serving a rail locomotive and rolling stock manufacturer). The Invited Rispro was a funding research program aimed to elevate the nation’s competitiveness by product/technology commercialization or the policies/management implementation or publication through invitation mechanism.

The research team leader, Dr Ir Ramadoni Syahputra, S.T explained his gratitude for the first call of the Indonesian Education Scholarship (LPDP). “For the first time, I have been informed by Whatsapp directly from the LPDP team and also grateful for having a high responsibility because the LPDP research is the most prestigious program in academics,” he said.

Doni mentioned that he and his team, Kunnu Purwanto, S.T., M.Eng and Muhammad Yusvin Mustar, S.T, M.Eng partnered with PT INKA because the research was focused on the train products manufacture. Before they were declared to pass to grant the funding, UMY had received an invitation from PT INKA and the LPDP team. “We were also asked about the train with the core theme of electric vehicles. After that, we analyzed what PT INKA needed, and they requested us to send a proposal to PT INKA,” he added.

UMY becomes the only private university to get an opportunity to work on the project. “It is evidence that UMY has an equal qualification as the state universities and has a considerable reputation,” Doni said. PT INKA planned to develop a hybrid train that can operate with diesel and electric energy combinations. He considered it a great innovation because recently, the electric locomotive train was limited to the short-range route while in the long-range distance, it uses the diesel train. Furthermore, he also highlighted the importance of the research that the diesel fuel was not sustainable and limited if it was continuously consumed. Also, another detrimental effect of using diesel fuel is due to air pollution. 

UMY was asked to create a railway battery charger for the train. “So, when we did the presentation of our research proposal, we were criticized a lot. The examiners were the experts of this specific field. After we had a long discussion, they were asking for the battery charger for a train where it can be used to operate a control system and electrical equipment in the train,” he said.

Fifteen Students of Unisa Bandung Achieved JFLS and RMP Scholarship

Fifteen Students of Unisa Bandung Achieved JFLS and RMP Scholarship

Fifteen students of Universitas ‘Aisyiyah (Unisa) Bandung gained the scholarship that the disbursement scheme held on Wednesday (22/12). The scholarships comprised Jabar Future Leaders Scholarship (JFLS) and Vulnerable Student (RMP). The scholarship beneficiaries were accompanied by the Vice-Rector I Unisa Bandung Ad interim, Perla Yualita SPd MPd, and the Head of Student Affairs, Hendra Gunawan SPd MKM in attending the meeting. The agenda was located in the Meeting Room of First Campus Unisa Bandung.

Three students were awarded Jabar Future Leaders Scholarship (JFLS), and twelve other students gained RMP Scholarship. The JFLS Scholarship is a scholarship from the West Java government. Meanwhile, the RMP scholarship is the Bandung government scholarship. “JFLS Scholarship awards eight million per student annually. On the other hand, RMP scholarship disburses 3.500.000 per student in a year,” said Hendra, on the Unisa site.

On this occasion, Hendra expected that besides supporting the tuition fee, the scholarship could encourage the students to elevate achievements and contribute to national development.

One of the beneficiaries of JFLS, Fikri Nurul Padhli admitted that the scholarship had supported him to continue study. “I hope that the program will continue to provide assistance in helping Jabar people to pursue their goals,” said Fikri.

UMJ Students Passed Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards

UMJ Students Passed Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards

Three students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta (UMJ) passed in Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) initiated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. One of the Independent Learning Independent Campus programs in 2021 provided an opportunity for students in various study programs in improving their knowledge and practical experience in the leading universities abroad. The UMJ students that passed the IISMA program were Alissa Zahrah from the Architecture department, Ranialda Hendri (Accountancy department), and Hayuni Amailia (Nursery department). They succeeded in the selection process at the University of Sussex, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, and Universiti Putera Malaysia.

There are two programs launched by the Directorate of Learning and Student affairs in 2021, including IISMA conducted offline and directly study in the particular universities. “In the academic year of 2021/2022, there are 98 Indonesian universities that followed the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) 2021,” said Junaidi as the Chief of the IISMA program.

To join the program, the students should pass the selection process by submitting a specified TOEFL or IELTS score and the interview process. Alissa Zahrah, one of the UMJ students, who has returned from the United Kingdom (UK), explained that she achieved a lot of knowledge during the program, including the study experience and socio-culture in England. “To study in England was more informal and casual. The students freely asked in the class about the specific subject and personal life. It makes the students more comfortable to learn because they are so close to the lecturers and administrative staff,” she said.

Endang Zakaria, the Head of Collaboration and International Affairs (KUI) explained the high opportunity of student to follow the IISMA program. However, the students should improve their English competence because of one strict requirement conducted by the Ministry. “At least, students should prepare his TOEFL score of 550 and IELTS 6.0 as in the requirement to follow the program,” he concluded.