The Rector of IKIP Muhammadiyah Maumere (IKIPMu Maumere) released 22 students for the fifth batch of the Kampus Mengajar program in Ahmad Dahlan Hall, 4th floor, Friday (17/02). The program aimed to improve and develop students through off-campus activities. Also attending the ceremony were the Institution Boards, Deans of FPMIPA and FPISHUM, and the Heads of all Study Programs in IKIP Muhammadiyah Maumere (IKIPMu).
IKIPMu Rector, Erwin Prastyo, S.T., M.Pd prompted the students to maintain the good name of the IKIPMu campus by implementing ethics to the community. “As students in a community, we should respect the community, maintain our way of speaking and behaving,” Erwin said.
Later, the students will be assigned to 10 elementary schools (SD) and 2 junior high schools (SMP). They began the community service program from February 20, 2023 to June 16, 2023. It was confirmed by Kartini Rahman Nisa, M.Pd, the coordinator of the 5th batch of IKIPMU’s Kampus Mengajar program. “Kampus Mengajar Batch 5 students will serve for approximately five months in their respective locations and schools,” she said. In addition, Kampus Mengajar is a breakthrough program for students to take advantage of. For students who join KM, they receive a living allowance of 2 million and can have course equivalencies of 20 credits. In his remarks, the IKIPMu Rector motivated students with various benefits of the KM program and advised students not to forget to take more classes as usual at the end of the semester.