Principle Permit of Muhammadiyah Cyber ​​University is Issued

Muhammadiyah Cyber ​​University (SiberMu University) officially received the principle permit Number 0269/E.EI/KB.01.00/2021, Tuesday (20/04). The program initiated by the Muhammadiyah Central Board had previously undergone a virtual field evaluation by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia at the MOU Campus on Hos Cokroaminoto Street, Wirobrajan, last March.

Muhammad Sayuti, Secretary of the Muhammadiyah Diktilitbang Council, on behalf of Muhammadiyah, is grateful and glad for the issuance of the campus principle permit launched at the 108th Muhammadiyah Anniversary in 2019. Since it was officially launched by Prof. Haedar Nashir and Minister of Education and Culture, Nadiem Anwar Makarim, in 2019, the name of this campus was Muhammadiyah Online University (MOU). Then it was asked to change to Muhammadiyah Open University (MOU), later requested to change to Muhammadiyah Cyber ​​University. “SiberMu University underwent various processes for approximately two years. With the issuance of this principle permit, hopefully, it can expand Muhammadiyah’s da’wah and also soon be prepared with some improvements to accelerate the issuance of an operational permit, “he explained.

He continued the paramount goal of establishing SiberMu University to expand access to Higher Education both at home and abroad at a more affordable cost. “In addition to being inexpensive and affordable, SiberMu University is also expected to be able to reach external areas to encourage the expansion of access to education massively and of course strengthen other PTMA campuses as well,” he explained.

SiberMu University must complete three conditions: the Building Permit (IMB), server, and an IT proficiency test. These three conditions are expected to be fulfilled immediately so that the next odd semester, SiberMu University officially opens registration. “Muhammadiyah already has one campus that holds the full distance learning programs (fully online). Hopefully, this campus establishment can increase the interest of the wider community both inside and outside Indonesia,” he concluded.

Principle Permit of Muhammadiyah Cyber ​​University is Issued

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