MHEIs Assistance To Design An Excellent and Progressive University

Located in Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang (UM Palembang) and the Institute for Health and Technology Science of Muhammadiyah Palembang (IKEST Muh Palembang), Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development (CHERD) conducted assistance for Muhammadiyah Higher Education Institutions (MHEIs) in Sumatera 1 regions for two days (21-22/03). The first day was conducted in UM Palembang with Unmuh Palembang, STKIP Muh OKU Timur, and Institute for Technology of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Musi Rawas. The assistance was continued by fostering STKIP Muh OKU Timur, Blitang (23/03) led by Prof Edy Suandi Hamid. He also accompanied by Prof Sjafri Sairin, Drs Daniel Fernandez (Quality Assurance) and Sulaiman MAg (Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies/AIK).

The Assistance for Sumatera I regions in UM Palembang
The Assistance for Sumatera I regions in UM Palembang

On this occasion, the Rector of UM Palembang, Dr Abid Djazuli; the Rector of IKESTM Palembang, Heri Satriadi MKes; the Chairman of STKIPM Pagar Alam, Joni Dimyati; and the Chairman of STKIP Muh OKU Timur, Didi Franshardi reported 13 aspects related to each institution’s development. Meanwhile, ITMS Musi Rawas, which had just received the establishment permit, explained their work plans because they were waiting for the operational permit.

The Assistance for Sumatera I regions in IKEST Muh Palembang
The Assistance for Sumatera I regions in IKEST Muh Palembang

According to Prof Edy, the assistance will be conducted to all 172 MHEIs. “It aims to design excellence, competent, and progressive MHEIs to not only operate as it was,” he said.

MHEIs Assistance To Design An Excellent and Progressive University

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