Zulmahendra, a student from Qur’an and Interpretation Science (IAT), the Faculty of Ushuluddin and Islamic Communication (FUKIS), the Institute for Islamic Studies of Muhammadiyah (IAIM) Sinjai, won the 2nd place for Tahfidzul Qur’an competition in the 109th Muhammadiyah Anniversary Commemoration. The first-year student of IAIM Sinjai, born in Sinjai, 12 September 2001, joined the competition in the Muhammadiyah Anniversary Commemoration in South Sulawesi level, followed by Muhammadiyah-’Aisyiyah Higher Education Institutions (MHEI) students in South Sulawesi, Saturday (27/11) morning.
He, who was also a recipient of the Tahfidz scholarship IAIM Sinjai expressed his gratitude and appreciation to his parents and colleagues for giving him support. “We, the Tahfidz scholarship recipients, insya Allah, will give the best for IAIM Campus. We are ready for the regional, national, and international. Nothing is impossible as long as we keep trying and praying,” he added.
Moreover, one of IAIM also won the championship in the 109th Muhammadiyah Anniversary Commemoration. Muammanah, Indonesian Smart Card (KIP) beneficiaries, achieved 2nd place in the Tilawatil Qur’an competition. “Especially for my parents, trainer, and all parties in campus who give me an opportunity and support to facilitate the preparation. It was an additional point for me and also becomes IAIM Sinjai achievement,” she said. The Rector of IAIM, Dr. Firdaus, MAg, who attended the main event in the 47th Muktamar courtroom, Unismuh Makassar, expected that the achievement would encourage other IAIM students to try hard for other competitions. “Alhamdulillah, two IAIM Sinjai students achieved 2nd place in Tahfidz and Tilawah competition. I hope the achievement will increase in National and International level,” the Vice-Rector III of Student Affairs IAIM Sinjai, Dr. Muh Anis, MHum said. [] DIktilitbang