Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) planned to establish a general teaching hospital with the groundbreaking of the building on March 1, 2021. As reported on the official Instagram account of UMS, the Rector of UMS, Prof Dr Sofyan Anif, MSi explained the detailed master plan including Environmental Impact Assessment (AMDAL), Building Construction Permit (IMB), and the land expansion.
“Because when we wanted to construct the building, the land area was not wide enough. So we expanded more land, insyaAllah, we have adequate requirements and are representative enough to build a hospital,” he said.
The hospital located in Adi Sucipto Solo would be constructed on 8 floors. Prof Sofyan expected that the hospital would gain trust in the wider community as a public health service in Solo and nearby.
While the general teaching hospital UMS would be constructed, the Faculty of Medical Science UMS would still collaborate with nine other hospitals, including RSUD Karanganyar, RSUD Sukoharjo, RSUD Ponorogo, RSUD Magetan, RSUD Moewardi, RS PKU Solo, RSOP Solo, RS Jiwa Solo, dan BP4 Solo.
He continued that the hospital would be used for the Co-Assistant Doctor from the Faculty of Medical Science Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta graduates to practice their knowledge gained. Moreover, the hospital also would be assisted by specialist doctors who are experts in their field. “Therefore, comprehensively, the Hospital service would improve,” he said. [] Diktilitbang