Journal Camp Program aimed to accelerate the functional position of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan lecturers. Moreover, it can refresh the lecturer’s competence to have additional skills and knowledge about journaling. That was a statement from Triantoro Safaria, PhD, when he opened the Journal Camp agenda of the second and third batch in Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) campus in Kapas street 9 Semaki, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta, Thursday-Friday (27-28/05).
The Head of UAD Human Resource Division, Triantoro continued the program as a responsibility and attention from the division to the lecturers. Moreover, in her remarks, Dr Norma Sari, SH, MHum, as the Vice-Rector of Human Resource Affairs, appreciated the lecturers’ attendance at this meeting. “Shortly, the program should be continued and sustained. It aimed to support academic position acceleration of the lecturers in UAD,” she said as reported on the official Universitas Ahmad Dahlan site.
Norma expected that the program would improve the educators’ quality in UAD. Besides it related to the journal, the program also became a consultation session for the lecturers to propose the academic promotion.