Muhammadiyah considered revitalizing its ideology for asserting Muhammadiyah Services to support the foundation in actualizing Muhammadiyah ideals. That was a statement of Muhammadiyah Regional Board (PDM) Banyumas, Dr Ibnu Hasan MSi in releasing 7th Batch Diploma-1 students of Muhammadiyah Education Program. It conducted in the third floor of Rectorat Building in Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto (UMP).
Afterwards, Dr Ibnu explained it requires a breakthrough to ease Muhammadiyah cadre ideological training. “I consider the cadre ideological training in Muhammadiyah through a long formal method. If we wait for Baitul Arqam that conducted by boards, it takes a long queue. Then, we tried to collaborate with the UMP Rector and the Dean of Islamic Studies for the improvement on how Muhammadiyah study becomes an important subject to overcome ideology comprehension problems in Muhammadiyah,” he said.
The Rector of UMP, Dr Jebul Suroso; the Dean of Islamic Studies Faculty, Dr Makhful MAg; the Chairman of Diploma-1 Program of Muhammadiyah Education Program; Alfian Nurul Azmi SUd ST MSos, and the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Council for Primary and Secondary Education (Dikdasmen) in Banjarnegara, Purbalingga, Cilacap, and Banyumas.
Alfian Nurul Azmi SUd ST MSos reported that 157 participants followed the program more than the previous year for only 88 participants. “From the seventh batch, the agenda has released 440 graduates,” reported Alfian.
In his speech, Dr Jebul Suroso SKp Ns MKep congratulated Muhammadiyah Education graduates that have accomplished the program. “We, on behalf of University boards, congratulate all Muhammadiyah volunteers that we release to your institutions for implementing the knowledge you all have achieved here. We hoped that you could get a new achievement in the branch board where you devote to,” he said.