International Achievements of UAD Students in AISEEF 2022

Three students of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta achieved International accomplishments. They, who are Applied Science Faculty (FAST) students, bagged a silver medal on AISEEF 2022. The AISEEF stands for ASEAN Innovative Science Environmental and Entrepreneur Fair. The students include Muthafizhah, a Physics student; Azra Ayafiya and Rofifah Zaki H, Mathematics students.

The fair was conducted hybrid by IYSA collaborated with the Engineering Faculty of Universitas Diponegoro on 3 February 2022. The IYSA announced the winner last Saturday (05/02). In this international scientific festival, the UAD team was involved in the entrepreneur category by raising the theme “Sciesy (Science Easy) as a Media of Science Learning for Children Aged 9-12 Years Old”. The output is to create Education-based game cards and an application in the developing process.

There are 48 cards in 1 box that comprises four categories, mathematics, biology, physics, and scientists. The cards are also completed by the switch, reverse cards, and many others. It is equipped with a manual book of game cards. Undoubtedly, these Education-based game cards are different from other cards.

As an effective indicator of these cards, it has become learning media in the classroom. The students play crosswords that can be played whenever they want. They can also visualize specific pictures and materials in the cards by scanning them with the MySciensy application that is still in the developing process. Later, it will be equipped with 3D visualization and audio according to its particular categories.

Mutha, one of the UAD winner-team, mentioned the backgrounds of the concept as reported on the UAD site on Tuesday (08/02). “The idea came up because discovering the less-interesting learning method for toddlers, it was boring method, and so on,” she said. From their observation, Mutha and the team created a learning media in the form of a game.

International Achievements of UAD Students in AISEEF 2022

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