UMSB Book Review Of Prof Haedar Nashir ‘s Writing

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat (UMSB) held a book review entitled Indonesia: Ideologi dan Martabat Pemimpin Bangsa on Monday (23/05). On this occasion, UM SB collaborated with Suara Muhammadiyah to review a book from Prof Haedar Nashir, the President of Muhammadiyah Central Board. The agenda held in the Third Campus of UMSB, Aur Kuning, also started with a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing procession between UMSB and Suara Muhammadiyah.

The Vice-Rector III of UMSB, Moch Abdi SE MM; the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Regional Board of Bukittinggi, Ismail Novel; the Director of Suara Muhammadiyah, Deny Asy’ari; the Deans and Lecturers in UMSB attended the book review. The Rector, Dr. Riki Saputra MA, through the Vice-Rector III of UMSB, appreciated the agenda that chose UMSB as the first campus to review the latest book of Prof Haedar.

“We should follow and apply Prof Haedar’s thoughts in his book. The implementation is for all Indonesian people, not only the members of Muhammadiyah,” Abdi said. He also valued the agenda, on behalf of the UM Sumatera Barat Rector, due to an honor to organize the 48th book review of Prof Haedar.

Furthermore, the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Regional Board, Ismail Novel, was enthusiastic about the book review. He mentioned that Prof Haedar Nashir’s book was Muhammadiyah’s pride. Bukittinggi became the second location for the book launch after it was first released in Makassar, South Sulawesi. A deliberate decision for Bukittinggi as the book review location was due to various Indonesian notable people being born there.

UMSB Book Review Of Prof Haedar Nashir ‘s Writing

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