Universitas Muhammadiyah Gombong (UNIMUGO) held Eid Al-Adha prayer on last Saturday (09/07). Thousands of Muslims around Gombong and Sempor have performed the prayer in the campus yard. It was organized in the collaboration of UNIMUGO and the Muhammadiyah Branch Board (PCM) of Gombong. The preparation had been conducted on the previous day, including preparing the prayer line for male and female prayers; the sound system; audiovisuals; and the parking lot.
Afterward, the Eid Al-Adha was led by the imam, Ustad Said Akbar Ramadhan Lc. Also, Ir HM Yahya Fuad SE, the Daily Advisory Board of UNIMUGO, delivered the sermon (khutbah) as khatib. “We should always be grateful to Allah SWT for every possession we have. Because it was just His treasure, you should not feel lost when this treasure returns to Allah,” said Ir HM Yahya Fuad. The prayer was conducted from 06.30 to 07.15 a.m.
Furthermore, UNIMUGO distributed 1.200 packages of sacrificial meats to the community. The committee of 1443 H Eid Al-Adha UNIMUGO, Podo Yuwono MKep explained that the packages would be distributed to Muhammadiyah Local Board (PRM) in Gombong and the community around campus. “Alhamdulillah, the committee has well-prepared everything, especially for the selection of the good and healthy sacrificial animals,” said Podo in the middle of the distribution, as reported on the UNIMUGO site.