Muhammadiyah As Wasathiyah Movement of Progressive Islam

Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta (Unisa) held 1442 H Ramadhan sermon attended by Prof. Dr. Abdul Mu’thi, the Secretary of Muhammadiyah Central Board online, Tuesday (27/4). In his presentation, Prof. Abdul Mu’thi explained that the wasathiyah (moderate) movement of Muhammadiyah is about the Islamic wasathiyah (moderate) activity based on the Al-Qu’ran and As-Sunnah values. The civilization elements comprise beauty, cleanliness, knowledgeability in the Islamic teachings in Al-Qur’an and Hadits.

In front of Unisa academic civitas, he continued that the seven Islamic wasathiyah values in ‘Bogor Message on Wasatiyah Islam’ could be a priority. Bogor Message or the declaration of Bogor Message was the resulting deal of Islamic clergy who formulated the seven universal values accepted in the Islamic world. As reported on the Unisa site, the Bogor Message highlighted the seven central values in Wasathiyah Islam. It includes Tawazun (proportional in achieving material and spiritual matters); I’tidal (being proportionate and fair in full-responsibility); Tasamuh (understand and respect the difference in all aspects in life); Shura (deliberation and try to give solution together in full-consideration); Islah (continuously improving and transforming behavior for the common good; Qudwah (as an example, guidance and always provide initiative to create common welfare); and Muwathanah (admitting the country existence and becoming a nation which obeys the laws).

Mu’thi also added Muslims should understand their position to be khairu ummah (the best community) and wasathiyah (being moderate) by presenting what people, in general, exist as part of the civilization’s nature. These characteristics include the beauty and goodness which are physically observable; being knowledgeable and wise for their knowledge; practicing the religious teachings reasonably as taught without exaggeration; doing and upholding the law fairly; taking a middle way to give solution in every problem, and being moderate in dealing with differences.

“By this comprehension, Islam which is perfect in the physical appearance, delectation, and has its charm by its beauty. Because of Wasathiyah Islam should be represented Islam in creating other people grateful with what Muslims portrayed in their behavior, or physically observable,” he said. [] Diktilitbang

Unisa Held Ramadhan Sermon Discussing Wasathiyah Movement

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