UMSB Succeeded In Organizing International Scientific Conference

International Scientific Conference, which becomes a barometer for the scientists in various fields, assembled the scientists, researchers, educators from different countries to explain and discuss the research result, experiences, and ideas related to multiple areas of science. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat (UMSB), for the first time, conducted the international conference entitled ‘International Conference on Natural Science, Technology, Islamic Studies, Social Sciences, and Humanity (ICoNTISH), Thursday (25/11).

The event was held hybrid, both online and offline, in the First Campus of UMSB, Padang. In his remarks, the Rector of UMSB, Dr. Riki Saputra, MA, explained that even though it is the first event, the international conference would be an annual agenda in the future. “We expect to develop broader collaboration with various universities in the world, including Kyushu University-Jepang, Deakin University-Australia, UiTM-Malaysia, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali-UNISSA in Brunei,” he said.

The paperwork presented would be selected to publish through various national and international journals, comprises of Accounting Research Institute (ARI), Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia (ARIUiTM), Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang (UM Tangerang), Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bukittinggi (IAIN Bukittinggi), and Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup (IAIN Curup). The conference was opened officially by the Head of the Institute for Higher Education Service (LLDIKTI) Regional X, Prof Dr. Herry, MBA, and invited several keynote speakers from five different countries, including Adam Jerussalem, Ph.D. from Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Technology (CHERD), Prof. Kuniyoshi Shimizu, Ph.D. (Kyushu University, Jepang), Prof. Ismet Fanany (Deakin University, Australia), Prof. Jamaliah Said (ARI- UiTM, Malaysia), Assc. Prof. Dr. Abudrrahman Raden Aji Haqqi, Lc., MCL (Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali-UNISSA, Brunei Darussalam), and Dedi Satria, Ph.D (Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat, Indonesia).

This conference raised the theme ‘Improving Sciences in Facing Social and Natural Challenges”. It was developed in 14 sub-theme, including 1) Natural Disaster, 2) Forestry, 3) Human Behaviour, 4) Social Identity, 5) Mitigation, 6) Islamic Studies, 7) Climate Changes, 8) Applied Technology, 9) Hospitality and Tourism, 10) Public Health, 11) Local Democracy, 12) Education and Pedagogy, 13) Law Studies, and 14) Pharmacy. [] UMSB / Diktilitbang

UMSB Succeeded In Organizing International Scientific Conference

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