UM Surabaya Prepared Rp 2,5 Billion Scholarship For The New Students

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) prepared scholarship funds of Rp 2,5 Billion for the prospective students. The scholarship and specific program were provided as the university responded to the Covid-19 pandemic, which was not over yet.

The Vice-Rector of Student Affairs, Innovation, and Human Resources explained that the budget allocation of the scholarship was an opportunity provided to the community to study in higher education, both in bachelor and diploma degrees. “In the pandemic, several people face difficult times; however, we provide an open the door to pursue higher education to tackle the pandemic problems,” he said, as recorded on the official UMSurabaya site, Thursday (10/06).

Ma’ruf continued the funding would be divided into 12 scholarships and preeminent programs. It aimed to be accessible to a broader community, from students with low-income families, students with disabilities, and talented students.

The scholarship and preeminent program included from the KIP-K/Bidik Misi scholarship (the governmental allocation or internal), Tahfidz scholarship, Influencer, Athlete, Disability, Vocational High School Alumni, local society, Dhuafa, Children of Nurses/Midwives, Ma’had Umar bin Khattab, and Kuliah Berani Kerja (KBK). “Undoubtedly, in all programs, the candidate should meet the requirements which are stated and through the internal selection of the campus,” Radius Setiyawan, the Head of Institute for Information and New Student Enrolment (LIPBM), said. He continued, in short, the scholarship awardees would undergo the upbuilding program from Students, Alumni, and Innovation Bureau. By the achievements from the prospective students in their high school period, they should maintain their ability/competence after they achieve the scholarship.

The scholarship and program have been opened. On 17 June 2021, the selection on the first stage would begin, while in early August, the second stage would be started. The program and scholarship would be closed when the quotas and requirements have been accomplished. The further details could be seen on the website and official Whatsapp account +62 858-5244-6337.

UM Surabaya Prepared Rp 2,5 Billion Scholarship For The New Students

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