Again, Unisa Bandung Achieves Mayor’s Award

The Midwifery Undergraduate Program from Universitas ‘Aisyiyah (Unisa) Bandung has received an award from the Mayor of Bandung for its active participation in programs implemented by the AIDS Management Commission (KPA). One such program was the Prevention of HIV Transmission from Mother to Child (PPIA) seminar held at the Graha Binangkit TP-PKK Building in Bandung on Saturday (04/03). Ami Kamila, S.ST., M.Kes, a lecturer in the Midwifery Program Unisa Bandung, revealed the news when she was contacted on Monday (06/03).

Annisa Ridlayanti, S.Keb.Bd., M.Keb, the Head of the Midwifery program, explained that the award was not only for their active involvement in KPA Bandung City programs but also because the Unisa Bandung Midwifery program consistently integrated the Health Study Program’s curriculum with PPIA programs.

Echoing Annisa’s sentiments, Ami expressed her hopes that the Midwifery undergraduate study program would continue to integrate the PPIA programs into its learning curriculum. “We hope that the Midwifery Study Program will be more active and consistent in implementing the integrated PPIA programs into the learning curriculum and can support and play an active role in every program and activity organized by KPA, especially in Bandung,” she said.

Again, Unisa Bandung Achieves Mayor’s Award

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