Appreciate Intellectual Properties, UMMU Rector Receives 29 Certificate of Appreciation from Kemenkumham

The Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) held a Mobile Intellectual Property Clinic (MIPC) that raised the theme “Appreciation for Maluku Utara Natural Resources through Mobile IP Clinic” in Royal Resto Ternate, Monday (29/08). It aimed to appreciate the Intellectual Property of the Maluku Utara communities and academicians, including Universitas Maluku Utara (UMMU).

The appreciation was attended and directly opened by the Special Assistant to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights for Media and Communication, the Regional Secretary, the Ternate Mayor, and the Rector of UMMU. It was also greeted by the welcoming dance and continued with the report from the Head of Regional Office Kemenkumham in Maluku Utara Province. Afterward, it was also continued with the workshop with expert speakers in Intellectual Property.

In his remarks, the Ternate Mayor encouraged the participants to elevate intellectual property in Micro, Small, and Medium enterprises (MSME) and academics, including Universities. “Maluku Utara, on this occasion, has remarkable natural resources, as we know for a long time, foreign nations had arrived here due to the abundant natural resources, especially spices. Therefore, it needs legal claims in natural properties, including to own the intellectual property as a proof of ownership,” he said.

It was in line with the Regional Secretary’s statement in his Keynote Speech. He mentioned natural diversity that takes a special interest from foreign countries, for example, the song of Rasa Sayange had been claimed by Malaysia as a traditional song. Besides the song, keris, reog, and many other cultural properties have been claimed as foreign art properties. “The main factor is due to intellectual property. There are no legal claims to protect cultural properties. Therefore, as a recognition, we should organize this forum or a similar forum to support that. It can improve the economic values to support communities who produce it,” he said.

The series of appreciation was continued by the submission of intellectual property certificates. On this occasion, UMMU received 29 certificates for scientific papers. As representatives of 29 intellectual property owners, Prof Saiful Deni, the UMMU Rector, received the certificates from the Special Assistance to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. It became a remarkable achievement for UMMU as a private higher education institution to achieve legal claims for scientific works.

To support nations’ masterpieces by recognition of intellectual property, the efforts should be improved, said the Special Assistance to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in his remarks. “From the Ministry, we have encouraged the appreciation in every province in Indonesia to support economical values. For example in Bangka Belitung, there are black pepper and white pepper products that before it has been patented, the price is only 30,000 per kg. However, after it has been patented, the price has risen to 300,000 per kg. Undoubtedly, it supports the sales potential in foreign countries and elevates the economics of local communities,” he said.

Appreciate Intellectual Properties, UMMU Rector Receives 29 Certificates from Kemenkumham

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