Muhammadiyah Cadres Should Be Militant, Concerned, Sensible, and Innovative

“Muhammadiyah cadres served to create the good deeds and provide the benefits to broader merits for the community and nations. For example, we are not only filling the attendance list in one organization or in the grand Muhajjirin Mosque, but also prospering the mosque,” Prof Dr H Achmad Nurmandi, MSc said, when delivered materials in Subuh sermon in Muhajjirin Mosque, Pangkalpinang.

The Rector Unmuh Babel and the Secretary of Muhammadiyah Province Board of Bangka Belitung, Fadillah Sabri; The Deputy Chair of Muhammadiyah Province Board of Council for Economics, H Warsangka; and several leaders and cadres of Muhammadiyah Youths also attended the morning sermon.

The researcher and the Governmental Science expert also prompted all Muhammadiyah cadres to internalize the spirit of doing good deeds. “But in internalizing values, it should involve sensible consideration. Therefore, in Muhammadiyah faiths that to practice a religion should involve logical thinking and take careless steps. For example, why does Muhammadiyah support the government in applying to wear a mask? The answer is because it has logical consideration and there is a fundamental knowledge,” he added.

To practice good deeds, we also need to join an organization. Therefore, Muhammadiyah also has the branches, Muhammadiyah services (AUM), the councils, and the autonomous organizations. Because in Muhammadiyah, there are systemic bodies. It is impossible to practice good deeds without good governance of the organization. “Because a Muhammadiyah cadre not only was encouraged to be militant, concerned, sensible, and innovative in the organization. This organization cadres should provide a good role, practice good deeds for providing the benefits to broader merits for the community and nations,” he concluded. [] Diktilitbang

Muhammadiyah Cadres Should Be Militant, Concerned, Sensible, and Innovative

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