Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU) collaborated with the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxation I through MoU last Thursday (30/8). The collaboration has been established since 2015. Both parties signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the development of the tax centre and cooperation on the agenda. Rector of UMSU, Prof Dr. Agussani MAP, attended the meeting. Meanwhile, the Regional Office of Directorate General of Taxation (Kanwil DJP) North Sumatra I presented the Head of Kanwil DJP North Sumatra I, Dr. Eddi Wayudi ST MM. The UMSU main campus in Mukhtar Basri street became the location of the MoU signing.
Prof. Agussani explained that the partnership had been going well. Previously, as reported on the official UM Sumatera Utara site, fifty students had become the tax volunteers in Kanwil DJP North Sumatra I in 2018. “In 2021, UMSU students become the best tax volunteers in Kanwil DJP North Sumatra I,” he added. Afterwards, Dr. Eddi hoped that UMSU could be the strategic partner in taxation education, socialization, and research. Moreover, as a higher education institution, UMSU could provide positive input in improving tax awareness and obedience.
Present on this occasion, Vice-Rector III, Assoc Prof Dr. Rudianto MSi; Head of Extension, Service, and Public Relations, Bismar Fahleri; Section Head of Counseling Guidance and Document Management, Josualam Sinaga; Dean of Economics and Business Faculty, Januri SE MM; and the Vice-Dean; Head of Tax Management Department, Elizar Sinambela SE MSi. [] Diktilitbang