Business Opportunities in Community Empowerment based

If we delay making decisions for business opportunities, it means that we will be wealthy when we grow old. Consequently, PTMA students should be open-minded, learn new insight and broaden the horizon that there are a lot of business opportunities that can be accessed and understood. Those were the statements of Muhammad Sayuti, Ph.D. on Muhammadiyah Diktilitbang Council workshop towards ‘Implementation of Independence Learning with Community Empowerment on Export-based Ornamental Plants Agribusiness ’ Saturday (02/10). The webinar was attended by Irfan Nugroho from Institute Pelita Desa and Cici Melati Rahmawati from Ornamental Plants Exporter student.

As a plant exporter, Cici Melita mentioned that the idea to start was the curiosity of a business that would empower the communities. “The option to develop the ornamental plants is because it can be the first item suitable to all communities, especially the Millenials,” he said. Indonesia is a tropical country that currently dominates 0,1% of the global market, which communities can cultivate. She and the team developed the business model Tengkulak Sholeh ‘Sholeh Middleman’ with a social enterprise model. Not only to consider how this business is running but also the advantage and impact on the community. “We also did some community assistance; after that, we supported the capitals and were responsible for all processes,” he explained. The marketing strategy includes digital marketing, joining International Expo, and creating overseas agent networks.

Irfan added that when PTMA students were deployed in community services (KKN), the students were also allowed to develop a business so that the students could develop the business and be a cultivator that can earn profits. Besides making profits, they also assist the community, which previously got training to be the Community Leader. “It was what we are doing, and we developed the independent learning concept. So that we can collaborate with any universities for business development later,” he said.

Opportunities of Community Empowerment-based Business

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