UM Jambi Agrees To Sign MoU For LazisMu Office Establishment

Universitas Muhammadiyah Jambi (UM Jambi) and LazisMu Province Board of Jambi conducted a meeting on Thursday (28/07) located in the Meeting Room of UM Jambi Rector. On this occasion, the Rector of UM Jambi, Dr. Nurdin SE ME; the Vice-Rector II, Dr. Indria Mayesti SE ME; the Vice-Rector III, Drs Arman Syafaat MM; the Chairman of LazisMu Province Board of Jambi, Ir Kusnadi Bey MM, and several members of LazisMu.

Dr. Nurdin SE ME mentioned that UM Jambi as a Muhammadiyah service institution (AUM) always supports the Muhammadiyah movement. For this occasion, the support can be formed by running institutional mandates and preaching development in the communities. “It is not limited to LazisMu, but all components in Muhammadiyah preaching strategies. Starting from various institutions under the Muhammadiyah movement to autonomous organizations, we are ready to collaborate and support,” he said.

Furthermore, Ir Kusnadi Bey MM, the Chairman of LazisMu Province Board of Jambi appreciated all leaders that have supported all LazisMu programs. “Shortly, after the MoU, we hope that we can establish LazisMu Office in Unmuh Jambi. The Office is expected to provide communities’ benefit, especially the academic civitas and students in UM Jambi,” he said.

The meeting was continued by the signing of an MoU between Unmuh Jambi and the LazisMu Province Board of Jambi. One of the agreements in MoU is to build a LazisMu Office in Unmuh Jambi. Later, the office would become a representative of LazisMu in collecting zakat from donors (muzakki) that have completed nisab. The donation would be distributed to beneficiaries (mustahiq) in the Unmuh Jambi environment, especially the students in the scholarship scheme.

UM Jambi Agrees To Sign MoU For LazisMu Office Establishment

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