In the Upbuilding of Muhammadiyah-’Aisyiyah Higher Education Institutions (MHEI)s’ leaders and the Inauguration of The Office of Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development on Monday (22/11), Prof Dr KH Haedar Nashir MSi, the President of Muhammadiyah Central Board highlighted six points for MHEIs and all components.
MHEIs Require To Develop The Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies (AIK), Research, and Preeminent Programs
First, strengthening and development of Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies (AIK) quality in all MHEIs. It is a fundamental and paramount goal in Catur Dharma ‘Four Values’ of MHEIs. The MHEIs’ leaders could develop and upbuild the AIK program as an absolute value or the internalized values based on Manhaj Tarjih (Preference Methodology) of Muhammadiyah. “The Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies was a progressive Islam. It was required to be an institutionalization process in the MHEIs’ identity,” Prof Haedar Nashir said.
Second, to establish and develop the epistemology of science. Prof Haedar appreciated the doctoral and professor lecturers in MHEIs. Afterwards, the epistemology needed to build in MHEIs is a holistic and integrative framework. “When discussing Islamic epistemology, we can not only restrict from the normativeness of the verse of Quran and Hadis. We take the substance and then develop it,” he continued.
Third, to develop multidisciplinary research centers. “To MHEIs with the research institutes, do not run it independently. Because MHEIs can synergize with collaboration,” Prof Haedar said. The large institutions have had excellent research development, but it was a starting point, and the other MHEIs need to follow to create the strength of a unity.
Fourth, to create centres and preeminent programs based on the MHEIs’ characters. “We need an acceleration of it (centres and preminent programs) by 165 MHEIs,” he said. He also added about the business development of MHEIs to not depend on the students’ achievement.
MHEIs Can Contribute To The Development of Human Resources and The Communities
Fifth, the human resources. Prof Haedar Nashir suggested to MHEIs to unlock the cadre potentials of Muhammadiyah youths. “The developed nations will have qualified human resources,” Prof Haedar said. He explained that Indonesia is in 6th place in the Human Development Index ranking in Southeast Asia. However, it does not mean that Indonesia has no potency, but there is no acceleration. “Education is tied up with the unsuitable fields. The higher education world has to keep a distance with the political projects and the other projects which are not integrated with the education and technology world.”
Sixth, to develop the science communities. Muhammadiyah has initiated the development of a scientific movement that requires practical strategies, which is the digital world. It included the fundamental values in religious issues, Pancasila, cultural issues, and basic knowledge. “In implementing the freedom of expression, the cadres and leaders from Muhammadiyah have to express it based on their study field. The most important thing is a straight logical basis,” Prof Haedar Nashir said.
The Inauguration of The Office of Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development
Prof Haedar Nashir also led the symbolic ceremony in front of the Office of Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development, Monday (22/11). In his remarks, besides the six highlights for all Muhammadiyah HEIs, Prof Haedar also congratulated (Tahniah) for the building establishment of Muhammadiyah CHERD.