Unimugo Commencement Honors 446 Graduates

Universitas Muhammadiyah Gombong (Unimugo) held commencement for Diploma, Bachelor, and Profession programs on Sunday (23/10). It was located in Unimugo Auditorium and 446 graduates were honored with their degrees. There were 69 graduates of the Nursing Science Diploma program; 20 graduates of the Midwifery Diploma program, 205 Bachelor program graduates of Nursing Science, 6 graduates of Industrial Engineering students, and 87 Nursing profession graduates.

Also attending the commencement, the Rector of Unimugo, Dr. Herniyatun MKep SpMat, the Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education Research and Development (CHERD), H Ahmad Muttaqin MAg Ph.D., Muhammadiyah Province Board of Central Java, Prof Suparman Syukur MSi, the Chairman of Daily Advisory Board (BPH), dr Fatah Widodo SpM MKes, the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Regional Board of Kebumen, KH Abduh Hisyam SAg, and the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Branch Board of Gombong, Widiantoro and Ir H Moh Yahya Fuad SE, and Unimugo establishment team. Dr. Herniyatun prompted the students to keep in mind that graduation was not the finish line, but it was a starting point to pursue a life in communities.

Since UM Gombong was established, it has graduated 8.704 alumni. Then, Ahmad Muttaqin, Ph.D. hoped Unimugo could enlighten the education world with its tagline ‘noteworthy and enlightening. “Take this graduation as a step to look further into the future,” he said. In the future, Unimugo would educate students with specific soft skills and work abilities, for example through a job fair. Unimugo also collaborated with the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Board (BP2MI) and other official institutes in Japan and Taiwan. UM Gombong, in short, will open several new study programs, including Pharmacy, Medical Informatics, Library, and Hospital Administration.

Attending the Third Batch Workshop, Muh Sayuti Gives 3 Highlights for Public Relations of MHEIs

Attending the Third Batch Workshop, Muh Sayuti Gives 3 Highlights for Public Relations of MHEIs

The Public Relations Workshop needs to have real impacts in creating branding, images, and reputation due to Muhammadiyah ‘Aisyiyah Higher Education Institutions (MHEIs)’s good name in broader communities. The activity to earn a campus reputation is particularly organized by the Public Relations (PR) team. One viral news from UMS for its establishment in South Korea becomes the result of PR teamwork. Those were statements from Dr. Fajar Junaidi, the representative of the Communication Science Association (APIK) when opening the Public Relations Workshop for its third batch. The workshop was attended by 35 participants from all MHEIs in Grand Rohan Hotel, Yogyakarta (27-30/10). From the first to third batch, the total of participants who followed the PR Workshop was 150.

The issue framing becomes an important highlight in the current context. A PR should create a narration that can develop MHEIs’ reputation. In response, Muhammad Sayuti, Ph.D. appraised the performance of APIK as the most active association under MHEIs, in particular, supporting the MHEIs in public relations affairs. “These attempts should be supported and Muhammadiyah Council of Higher Education highly appreciates the workshop organizers,” explained the Secretary of Muhammadiyah CHERD.

Attending the Third Batch Workshop, Muh Sayuti Gives 3 Highlights for Public Relations of MHEIs
Opening Ceremony of Public Relations Workshop Batch III

Sayuti also mentioned PR’s important roles that need to be supported by the top management in MHEIs. “For example, the UMY Rector supports the role of PR in every moment to maintain the existence of his campus,” he added. He continued that PR should change their perspectives and invite all campus leaders to support a positive reputation in MHEIs.

According to Sayuti, there was awareness of PR including MHEIs as a non-profit organization (NPO) that is different from other institutions. As NPO, MHEIs should develop trust from the stakeholders, especially students, and parents. The trust from communities should also be maintained by MHEIs. “Our campus has gained trust from broader communities so we should maintain that trust by providing them with information and publishing our campus’s activities,” he added. Because the entire element on campus should be the PR. “ PR is how we present ourselves,” he said. So he hoped the alumni of this workshop should be confident to share information. PR also needs to understand the fundamental line of Amar ma’ruf nahi munkar (enjoining right and forbidding wrong). “We should share kindness. PR is not only the writing technique but also to show identity,” he added. The goal of this is also to preach. Therefore, all activities and professional careers include good deeds. PR should have a distinct character and portray itself as a Muhammadiyah campus. “Make it right, do not validate the usual. As a display, PR should portray the development, performance, and cleanliness of each campus,” he said to open the PR workshop.

Unmuha Business Incubator Center Holds a Guest Lecture about MSME

Unmuha Business Incubator Center Holds a Guest Lecture about MSME

The Business and Entrepreneurship Incubator Center (IBK) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh (Unmuha) organized a guest lecture on Monday (24/10). Located in the Economics Faculty Hall, it raised the theme “Micro Small Medium Enterprise (MSME) as a career option for the millennial generation on campus”. The guest lecture also became a collaborative program between Unmuha and the Higher Education Service Institute (LLDikti) Regional XIII, Aceh, Bank Indonesia, and Anara Group.

Three speakers delivered their materials including Leny Novita, the Head of Regional Economics Policy Implementation, Bank Indonesia representative of Aceh Province; Muhammad Julian Rudyanto from the Payment System division, Bank Indonesia – Aceh; and Desi Anara Desky, CEO of Anara Group. The panel discussion was led by Syamsidar, SE, M.Si, Ak, the Vice Dean III, Economics Faculty.

Drs. Tarmizi Gadeng, SE, M.Si, MM, IBK Coordinator, in his remarks, appreciated LLDikti Regional XIII, Bank Indonesia, and Anara Group for the collaborative programming Unmuha. “We are really grateful for organizing the guest lecture. I hope it can be our starting point to maintain the collaboration with BI and Anara Group. Because it can be beneficial for our students and alumni who are concerned about MSME,” he said.

On the other hand, the Chairman of LLDikti Regional XIII, Kasubbag Akademik, Zainal also highly appreciated Business Incubator Center Unmuha for organizing the lecture. The team from Bank Indonesia raised the theme of BI policy in managing rupiah stability, supporting MSME, and payment methods using QRIS. Meanwhile, Anata Group shared several tips to establish a micro and small enterprise and informed the audience that in short, Anara will establish MSME mall in Aceh.

UNIMMA Public Lecture Prepares Students To Be Digital Society

UNIMMA Public Lecture Prepares Students To Be Digital Society

Located in the First Campus Auditorium, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang (UNIMMA) held a public lecture on Tuesday (25/10). The Faculty of Psychology and Humanities (FPH) UNIMMA organized the lecture. It invited Fajar Riadi DS SPsi, a literacy trainer from ASEAN Digital Literacy Programme (ADLP). The committee also organized the first series of book discussions ‘Book Chapters’ of Psychology for all Psychology students.

Prof Dr. Purwati MS Kons, the Dean of FPH UNIMMA delivered her remarks on . In her remarks, she mentioned that misinformation and disinformation are inevitable in this digital era. “Therefore, this lecture can be a preparation for all of us, especially to protect ourselves from wrong information,” she said.

In the book discussion, the book discussed on this occasion is one of the primary references from Scientific Writing Education. “We hope that all FPH lectures comprehensively understand how to write scientific works, systematically and in each content,” she added.

In the first session, Fajar Riadi delivered his material by highlighting ‘to face misinformation and disinformation and protect from harmful content’. On the other hand, the second session discussed in detail about ‘empowering digital society’ by Aning Az Zahra, M.A., and Pristi Sukmasetya M.Kom, both of them are UNIMMA lecturers.

125 Competent Graduates of Diploma in Radiology Poltekkesmu Makassar

125 Competent Graduates of Diploma in Radiology Poltekkesmu Makassar

Located at the Gammara Hotel, Makassar, the Diploma in Radiology of Poltekkesmu Makassar held the Oath Taking Procession of the new professional radiographers. The procession continued with a warm gathering of 125 graduates consisting of 96 women and 29 men. They all were declared competent and entitled to obtain a Registration Certificate (STR) because they had passed the Competency Test (UKOM). The oath-taking ceremony was led by the Chairman of the Indonesian Radiographers Association (PARI) in the South Sulawesi Board, Sultan Hamjar, Amd.Rad, SKM, M.Adm.Kes., witnessed by a religious figure and all invited guests.

In her report, the Chairwomen of the Diploma in Radiology Study Program, Indah Musdalifa, Amd.Rad, S.Si, M.Si mentioned that to get the STR, the students should have a diploma degree and a certificate of competence. Meanwhile, the diploma degree and competency certificates were given to students after being declared to have passed an exam and competency test. “Alhamdulillah, thus the graduates can find employment,” she reported. She also mentioned the demand for radiographers is high. “Alhamdulillah, many of our alumni have spread in Indonesia and are already working. It is possible because we are the only radiology department in Eastern Indonesia. While according to the trend of new student admissions, the Radiology study program is always in great demand by applicants,” Indah added in her speech.

125 Competent Graduates of Diploma in Radiology Poltekkesmu Makassar
Judicium Procession of the Graduates

On the other hand, the chairman of the Daily Advisory Board (BPH) Poltekkes Muhammadiyah Makassar, Dr. KH. Mustari Bosra, MA explained that the Vocational education program will continue to be developed. In the future, 20% of the education system in Indonesia will develop Vocational programs, as in the United States, Vocational programs are in great demand. Therefore, Poltekkesmu Makassar will develop to be a Polytechnic in General Technology, so it will no longer focus on health. Dr. KH.Mustari Bosra, MA, who is also the Deputy Chairperson of the MUI South Sulawesi, hoped that graduates who were already competent would find jobs that match their capacities and competencies. He also motivated the graduates to pursue study until the Doctoral program. “Be grateful that you can study and become Poltekesmu Makassar alumni. During your oath-taking procession and graduation, your parents are proud of you. Congratulations and I hope you succeed in pursuing the future,” he concluded.

In his remarks, the Director of Poltekkesmu Makassar, Dr. H. Effendy Rasiyanto, M.Kes, congratulated the graduates. He also mentioned the alumni of the Radiology study program are now working in healthcare services, including hospitals, companies, and other health facilities. “You hold the tool now, please use it for your future. I hope you can apply the knowledge you have learned to improve Indonesia’s state of health ”, he said. (Public Relations of Poltekessmu Makassar, IM & DAR)

On its 64th Anniversary, UMS Opens a Branch Campus In South Korea

On its 64th Anniversary, UMS Opens a Branch Campus In South Korea

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) recently became a hot trending topic in cyberspace. Right on Sunday, (10/16), UMS Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Sofyan Anif, M.Sc., announced that UMS will open a branch campus in South Korea. The branch campus in South Korea is the result of a cooperative extension between UMS and Tongmyong University. “Alhamdulillah, we have much greater cooperation, not only the extension of the collaboration contract among universities. Interestingly, the Chancellor of Tongmyong University specifically offered to open a university in Busan,” he explained. The news, of course, became a historic moment not only for UMS but also for Muhammadiyah Higher Education Institutions (MHEIs), because it will be the first Muhammadiyah campus in Red Ginseng country.

The President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi) directly appreciated the establishment of the UMS branch campus at Tongmyong University, Busan. “I hope that UMS will produce great talents who actively provide solutions to the social issue to accelerate Indonesia’s improvement,” said Jokowi online on the 64th Anniversary of UMS, Monday (24/10/2022). The President also advised UMS to encourage the advancement of education in Indonesia. Human resources who master science, technology, and art are currently needed to serve humanity, society, nation, and state. It is in line with the educational philosophy of UM Surakarta, namely Humanization, Liberation, and Transcendence, so that UM Surakarta can meet these demands.

On its 64th Anniversary, UMS Opens a Branch Campus In South Korea
Signing of the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between UMS and Tongmyong University

At the 64th commemoration, Prof. Sofyan Anif was also grateful for their achievements. He mentioned that it could not be separated from the quality and trust given by the community both from home and abroad. Prof. Chun Ho Hwan, President of Tongmyong University (TU) Republic of Korea, in his speech, also discussed the spirit of KH Ahmad Dahlan who brought Muhammadiyah supporting education in Indonesia. He also mentioned that Indonesia is the most generous country in the world, illustrated by the donations and volunteers. “This spirit encourages people to believe that ‘gotong royong‘ (cooperation) can overcome the problems that occur,” he concluded.

The previous collaborative programs between TU and UMS, including student exchanges, lecturer exchanges, and the double degree program have now become even more developed. The strategies were also summarized in the Tongmyong Campus Master to conduct learning activities. In addition, several programs will be developed jointly between Tongmyong University and UM Surakarta with the spirit of Gotong Royong. After his scientific oration, it was followed by the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between UMS and Tongmyong University.

Kharisma Ragil, Rock Climbing Athlete Ready For International Championship

Kharisma Ragil, Rock Climbing Athlete Ready For International Championship

University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) student, Kharisma Ragil, is a rock climbing athlete who has brought Indonesia’s name to the international championship. Her latest achievement was at the 20th ASEAN University Games Thailand Championship, last August. In this championship, Ragil won the women’s individual lead gold and the women’s individual boulder category silver medal. What was Ragil’s journey like?

As reported on the official website of UM Surabaya, Ragil has been pursuing rock climbing since she was eight years old. The first time she got a medal was when she was in the 2nd grade of elementary school and managed to win a medal at the rock climbing championship at the Gresik Regency level. Ragil is a rock climbing athlete who specializes in height and difficulty.

Behind her simplicity, the daughter of the couple Sulikhan and Sri Utaminingsih does not hesitate to help her parents sell roasted corn every day. She has been helping since she was in elementary school up until now. “So since I was little, I practiced at the Rockhobbies Center which is open near the location where my parents sell roasted corn. So after the training, I immediately helped to sell corn,” said Ragil, last Friday (21/10) to the Public Relations of UM Surabaya.

At UM Surabaya, she got an athletic scholarship in the Management Study Program. Ragil’s reputation grew even more at the 20th National Sports Week (PON) Papua in 2021. She won the women’s team lead gold medal, individual boulder silver medal, and women’s team boulder silver medal. “At that time, I had to compete with my older sister, Fitria Hartani, who is also a rock climbing athlete. My sister got the gold medal, while I got silver,” Ragil said.

“Soon, I will prepare for the Senior National Championship in Bangka Belitung next December. Please pray for me to bag another gold medal,” she concluded.

UM Bengkulu Organizes Public Lecture Preparing Students’ Theses

UM Bengkulu Organizes Public Lecture Preparing Students’ Theses

Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu (UM Bengkulu/UMB) held a public lecture on Tuesday (11/10). It was organized by the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEBI), UMB. It raised the theme “Research Methods and Current Research Issue Trends in Management, Accounting, and Islamic Economics”. A total of 285 seventh-semester students attended the lecture. They were from Management, Accounting, and Islamic Economics Study Programs. Besides students, the FEBI lecturers also joined the public lecture that was located in Hasan Din Building, Campus 4 UMB.

Furgonti Ranidiah SE MM, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business UM Bengkulu, conveyed the purpose of the lecture. “It aimed to support the final-semester students who are and will submit a research proposal or thesis. So, the writing process of the research proposal can run well as expected,” she said.

The three resource persons who delivered their materials in this general lecture were Prof. Dr. Grahita Chandrarin MSi Ak CA, Director of Postgraduate Program, Universitas Merdeka Malang; Berto Usman SE MSc Ph.D., Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Bengkulu; and Dr. Asnaini MA, Chairwoman of the Doctoral Program in Islamic Studies of UIN Fatmawati Soekarno Bengkulu. The speakers explained in detail the research methods for writing research proposals.

The participants in the public lecture were very enthusiastic about participating in the public lecture, as a lot of questions were asked to the speakers, both by students and by lecturers. At the end of the lecture, the speakers highlighted and shared their experiences in writing journals and research. To conduct the research is a mandate from Tridharma (three core values) of higher education that should always be carried out by every lecturer. Besides improving the personal performance of the lecturers, it will also elevate the performance of the institution. “Do not give up! Do not stop innovating and collaborate,” the speaker encouraged.

Association of UM Pringsewu Alumni 2022-2024 Officially Inaugurated

Association of UM Pringsewu Alumni 2022-2024 Officially Inaugurated

The Association of Universitas Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Alumni (IKA) 2022-2024 was officially inaugurated on Saturday, (10/22), in the UM Pringsewu Rectorate Hall. Based on the Rector’s Decree Number: 0327/KEP/II.3.AU/F/2022, UMPRI appointed Maulana Muhammad Lahudin, S.E., M.Si as the Chairman, Zunianto, M.Pd.I and Suherman, S.E. as Deputy Chair 1 and 2. Nur Faizal, M.Pd., becomes the Secretary, while Juliono, S.Pd., M.M., Vice Secretary, and Ns. Tiara as Treasurer.

In his remarks, the Chairperson of IKA UMPRI2022-2024, Maulana Muhammad Lahudin S.E., M.Sc. mentioned that they should maintain solidarity, friendship, the good name of UM Pringsewu, inform publicity about UM Pringsewu and establish cooperation with various parties. They also have to be creative and unique to adapt to the community. So that UMPRI could improve and develop in the future. Maulana Muhammad Lahudin, S.E., M.Si. also aimed to participate in improving UMPRI to become an excellent university in Lampung.

UMPRI Chancellor, Drs. H. Wanawir Am, M.M., M.Pd who also attended and inaugurated the IKA UMPRI 2022-2024, emphasized that the role of alumni was crucial. The alumni could not be separated from the alma mater, and currently, the alumni association was established to portray their dedication to Muhammadiyah. The Chancellor also appreciated the work of the Student Affairs and Alumni Institutions who had held the procession, that it was the first alumni association since UM Pringsewu was established.

UMRI Officially Held Hand Over Ceremony of Daily Advisory Board

UMRI Officially Held Hand Over Ceremony of Daily Advisory Board

Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau (UMRI) held a warm gathering and hand over ceremony of the Daily Advisory Board (BPH) UMRI for 2022-2026 on Friday (21/10). The Hand Over ceremony was from Dr. Isjoni, MSi, the Chairman of BPH in 2018-2022, to Prof. Dr. H M Nasir MA, the Chairman of BPH in 2022-2026. It was located in the Ahmad Dahlan Auditorium, UMRI Main Campus. Also attending the procession, the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Provincial Board, Riau, Dr. H Abdul Wahid accompanied by H M Zulfadli MPd and Dr. Hendri Sayuti MAg; the former member of BPH UMRI, Drs H Amran Hasan MM, the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Regional Board, Pekanbaru, Jabarullah SSos, the Rector of UMRI, Dr. Saidul Amin MA, and all the Vice Rector of UMRI, the Dean, and all academic civitas.

In his remarks, the Rector of UMRI mentioned the strategic roles of BPH in future development. “BPH is not a matter of judgment, but our parents. When there are problems with the university boards, you can share it with BPH,” Saidul Amin said.

Furthermore, he asked the Vice Chancellors and the Deans to frequently discuss BPH UMRI. “It will produce various great and brilliant ideas to build a greater UMRI in the future,” he said. Then, the Chairman of BPH,Prof. M. Nazir would like to thank all the old BPH boards for their excellent service over the past few years. “We express our gratitude to Mr. Isjoni and his team. We expect what has been done to become good deeds and grant a reward for all of us,” he said.

Before the BPH handover, Muhammadiyah Central Board had appointed Prof. Dr. H. M. Nazir, MA., as Chairman; Prof. Dr. Ir. Ari Sandiavitri, M.Sc., the Secretary; and Muslim, SE., MM, the Treasurer. Then, the board members are H. Abunawas, S.Ag., MM., Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Muhammad Usman Tang, M.S., and H. Ahmad Hijazi, SE., M.Sc.