Prof Mu’thi Emphasized The Importance of Synergy between Muhammadiyah and MHEIs

Prof Mu’thi Emphasizes The Importance of Synergy between Muhammadiyah and MHEIs

Why should Muhammadiyah-’Aisyiyah Higher Education Institutions (MHEIs) synergize? What is the importance of synergy between Muhammadiyah and MHEIs? These questions were asked by Prof. Dr. Abdul Mu’ti, M.Ed when delivering his materials in front of Leadership Training Batch 8 participants on Wednesday (12/10). Prof. Mu’ti emphasized in the Muhammadiyah context, the synergy among MHEIs and between MHEIs and Muhammadiyah is important. “Because we are moving along to reach particular goals,” he said.

He added that to achieve a good synergy, three elements should be included. First, ideological synergy because Muhammadiyah is not only an educational and social movement. Besides those two aspects, Muhammadiyah highlights Islamic values as the foundation of its movement. It is a distinct point from other organizations as Muhammadiyah services (AUM) become the actualization, concretization, and objectification of those values. To actualize transformative Islamic values is worshiping practice for Muhammadiyah members. AUM’s existence portrays worship that concretization should be measured and actualized. “For example, the accreditation status is an objective measurement of MHEIs, because accreditation reflects on excellent points believed by broader communities,” he added.

Secondly, the strategic synergy through its function in da’wa (preaching), educating and fostering. It requires the synergy between Muhammadiyah policies and MHEIs’ policies. “So when there is a problem, then the case comes to court, it shows there is no synergy,” he emphasized.

Third, program synergy to interpret Muhammadiyah programs to be adopted. In this circumstance, MHEIs should strengthen the Muhammadiyah renewal movement. “Good university governance is a concrete goal to be achieved. So the leaders in higher education institutions should encourage and become role models for their human resources.,” he concluded.

UMRI Initiates Renewal of Collaboration with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

UMRI Initiates Renewal of Collaboration with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau (UMRI) keeps actualizing the internationalization of Muhammadiyah. Recently, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) set up in UMRI partnership. The discussion was initiated by UKM socialization to tenth UMRI lecturers on Thursday (06/10).

In the socialization, the Vice Rector III for Students Affairs, Islam and Muhammadiyah Studies and Cooperation, Dr. Jufrizal Syahri MSi attended in Ahmad Dahlan Building, Main Campus, Pekanbaru, Riau. Also attending the discussion, Megat Syarifudin bin Jaimin, and Mohd. Romaini Khaidir bin Baharom from UKM. It was a part of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) discussion that the implementation would be held soon.

In his remarks, Jufrizal Syahri hoped that the collaboration would involve student exchange and lecturers. “We hope that the cooperation is not only with the student exchange program in UKM but also with the lecturers who have the opportunity to learn and teach there too. Moreover, we initiate collaborative programs in other beneficial aspects for both parties,” he said.

A similar collaboration had been established between UMRI and UKM in 2019. However, it ended last January 2021. The agreement focused on student exchange programs, international seminars, and scholarship programs.

“In the current agreement, we bring Miicema (Malaysia-Indonesia International Conference on Economics, Management, and Accounting) that becomes a regional partnership between Malaysia and Indonesia in Higher Education Institutions, where UMRI is the 69th university to organize the program,” Megat said.

Through this new mechanism, Megat Syarifuddin and colleagues could add another clause to develop collaboration in elevating education programs, conferences, and academic collaboration, and transfer credit program in supporting Independent Learning Independent Campus (MBKM) program. Moreover, it included programs for lecturers to pursue their doctoral degrees in UKM and collaborative research and publication.

Also attending the meeting, were several delegations from UKM, several Directors in UMRI, Deans, the Chairman of the International and Collaboration Affairs Office (KUIK), the Head of Departments, and various UMRI lecturers who intended to pursue their degree in UKM.

Poltekkesmu Makassar Organizes The Second Ideological Training for Students

Poltekkesmu Makassar Organizes The Second Ideological Training for Students

Two-hundred sixteen candidates (216) of Health Polytechnique Muhammadiyah (Poltekkesmu) Makassar from three departments, including sanitation, electromedical technology, and medical lab technology, followed Baitul Arqam (ideological training) in UIN Alaudin Makassar Hotel, Wednesday-Thursday (11-12/10).

Attending on the meeting, the Chairman of Daily Advisory Board (BPH) Poltekkesmu Makassar, Dr. KH Mustari Bosra, M.A.; the Muhammadiyah Province Council for Cadre Education, South Sulawesi; lecturers and staff, and all academic civitas joined in-person training program.

In his remarks, the Director of Health Polytechnique Muhammadiyah Makassar, Dr. H. Effendy Rasiyanto, M.Kes hoped that Muhammadiyah students should implement the noble character of Islamic values in higher education. “As the candidate of alumni in health technology, you have an important role in health management development. We should be ready to adapt in the digital era. I hope we produce the alumni that are ready to work professionally with soft skills and noble characters,” he said.

Meanwhile the Chairman of BPH, Dr KH Mustari Bosra, MA constantly reminded alumni to realize Islamic principles as a foundation of life. The progression of Islam is in worshiping practice, as we chould implement in various aspects of life and consistently progress. “Remember that in the advancement of health technology, we should consider moving out of our comfort zone. Knowledge and soft skill can not be separate,” he added. He also continued that it could be realized as we contribute to communities, nations, and organizations that could be crystallized based on the specific potency of each student.

On the other hand, the Chairman of Islam and Muhammadiyah Studies, Irsyadah Ibrahim, S.Ag.,M.A expected that all Baitul Arqam participants, from the first batch to second that was counted for 341 could implement the Islam and Muhammadiyah values, both in communities, industries, or wherever they stay. In short, the communities could organize Muhammadiyah programs in Branch board to Central board.

As the Vice Director II, ST Fatimang, ST, MT mentioned, this Baitul Arqam could be adopted by other Muhammadiyah campuses in Indonesia. In the closing ceremony of this ideological training, the Vice Director III, St Mu’tamirah, SKM, M.Kes expected that the alumni could be the pioneers and role models in implementing the progressive Muhammadiyah movement based on its Khittah dan Perjuangan (struggle concept).

UMPO Launches Statistics Corner to Raise Statistic Awareness

UMPO Launches Statistics Corner to Raise Statistic Awareness

Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo (UMPO) launched a Statistics Corner on Thursday (13/10). Located in UMPO Library, the launching was held. This statistics corner of UMPO aimed to widely share information, benefits, and awareness in raising statistical awareness for youth, especially UM Ponorogo students. On this occasion, the Head of Central Statistics Board (BPS) Ponorogo attended the launching as one of the partnership programs.

In the launching, the Head of BPS Ponorogo, Ir. Siswi Harini, M.Si officiated the ribbon cutting ceremony for UMPO Statistics Corner. On the other hand, Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo was represented by the Rector, Dr Happy Susanto, MA witnessed the launching. Besides the ceremony, UMPO also organized a public lecture and Memorandum of Ceremony (MoU) signing procession from both parties. Two UM Ponorogo students were also mandated for Statistics Agents in the launching of this Statistics Corner.

The existence of this Statistic Corner would serve as the facilities, service center and promotion of digital-based and analog-based statistics. The corner also can be used by students and academicians to learn, discuss, research, and elevate inspiration and innovation of institutional development, local improvement, national development. It also aimed to portrayed UM Ponorogo’s attempts in facing challenges and technological advancement to provide accurate data.

Muhammadiyah CHERD Reorganizes Leadership Training for its Eighth Batch

Muhammadiyah CHERD Reorganizes Leadership Training for Its Eighth Batch

Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development (CHERD) reorganized Leadership Training (LT) for the Muhammadiyah-’Aisyiyah Higher Education Institutions (MHEIs) leaders in the Grand Rohan Hotel, Yogyakarta on Monday (10/10). LT Batch VIII was a week-long training followed by 39 participants from 27 MHEIs. In his remarks, Prof Lincolin Arsyad mentioned that various leaders shared positive responses after following LT. “The first time we organized this training, we were unsure (of the impacts). However, all leaders who followed Leadership Training felt that it was highly beneficial for them. At least, all participants knew each other,” Prof Lincolin, the Chairman of CHERD, said.

He also emphasized that the training aimed to improve the quality of MHEIs’ leaders. “Several MHEIs had organized LT in each campus, for example, UMRI, UMLB, and many other universities. The training can be adopted by inviting all civitas academics, besides the rector and vice-rectors,” he added.

Dr. H. Agung Danarto, M.Ag, the Secretary of Muhammadiyah Central Board explained that besides elevating the quality of MHEIs’ leaders, MHEIs also learn from each other and synergize. “So the newly established campus will learn from developing campuses, not from zero. It is important because it will shorten the experience,” he said. He also emphasized that MHEI’s leader should strengthen Muhammadiyah’s ideology for personal to all academic civitas. “Because the development of MHEIs needs Muhammadiyah ideology to be internalized. It should be remembered that Muhammadiyah when establishing its services, it became an obedience part for Allah SWT,” he added.

UM Sinjai Third Conferral of 546 Bachelor Degrees

UM Sinjai Third Conferral of 546 Bachelor’s Degrees

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sinjai (UM Sinjai) held an Open Senate Meeting in conducting the in-person third conferral on Saturday (08/10). The commencement was held in Islamic Center Tanassang Hall, Sinjai. On this occasion, UM Sinjai awarded 546 Bachelor’s degrees. The Rector of UMSI, Dr. Umar Congge SSOs MSi congratulated all graduates on his remarks. “Congratulations to all graduates. You can celebrate your graduation with your parents, relatives, and of course, yourself. Finally, your hard work has officially paid off,” he said.

Also attending the conferral, was the Chairman of Higher Education Service Institute (LLDikti) Regional IX, Drs Andi Lukman MSi. He also congratulated the graduates and prompted them to share benefits with others through the knowledge they had received in university. “Therefore, we should never stop learning,” he said.

Sinjai Vice-Regent, H Andi Kartini Ottong SP MP also congratulated all graduates and hoped UMSI would earn other achievements and keep developing. Also joined in the Hall was Dr. Jayadi Nas MSi, the expert staff of South Sulawesi Governor on behalf of the Governor.

On this occasion, Prof Ir Agus Setyo Muntohar, ST, MEngSc, Ph.D. (Eng), the Executive Board of the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT) delivered his materials about education elements. “In every element, we should uphold character building. So it is not only about intellectual ritual,” he said in his scientific oration in front of 546 graduates.

IAIM Sinjai Organizes Article Writing Workshop for Reputable International Journal

IAIM Sinjai Article Writing Workshop for Reputable International Journal

The Institute of Islamic Studies Muhammadiyah (IAIM) Sinjai held Scientific Article Writing Workshop for Reputable International Journal. The workshop was delivered by Dr. Ir Ramlan M, MPd, the Director of Sains Global Institut Indonesia, located in KH Ahmad Dahlan Hall, IAIM Sinjai on Tuesday (11/10).

The workshop was initiated by the Research and Community Service Institute (LP2M) and Research and Community Service Board (GP2M) in every faculty and Graduate program, and followed by several lecturers of IAIM Sinjai.

As reported, the Head of LP2M, Prima Mytra mentioned the program followed up the Monitoring and Evaluation of non-optimal international publication of IAI Muhammadiyah Sinjai lecturers.

“So it needs to organize an Article Writing Workshop for Reputable International Journal. We hope that this agenda will increase our international publication in the future,” she said.

Besides the scientific article writing workshop, IAI Muhammadiyah Sinjai also organized an Open Journal System (OJS) management workshop followed by GP2M in every faculty to prepare for the journal accreditation process.

As mentioned by Prima, there were three IAIM Sinjai journals accredited by Sinta 5 and 6, including Naskhi journal and Adz Zahab journal that received Sinta 5 accreditation, while Al-Qalam journal earned Sinta 6 accreditation.

“The workshops were expected to elevate the accreditation status for those three journals to become Sinta 2, at least,” the Head of LP2M IAI Muhammadiyah Sinjai hoped.

ITS PKU Organizes Expert Lecture Inviting Chairman of IPAI Executive Board

ITS PKU Organizes Expert Lecture Inviting Chairman of IPAI Executive Board

ITS PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta organized an expert lecture by nurse anesthesiologist on Friday (07/10/2022). The expert lecture was held in ITS PKU Auditorium inviting Dra. Force Tandung, M.Si as the Chairman of Indonesian Anesthesiologist Association (IPAI) Executive Board by raising the theme “Applied Nurse Anesthesiology Department Perspective in ITS PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta”.

As reported by Sulastri, the Head of Diploma IV Nurse Anesthesiology Department, the expert lecture was followed by 600 students from Diploma IV Nurse Anesthesiology Department by blended method, online and offline. “The program aims to show that ITS PKUMuhammadiyah is prospective to conduct an effective learning process, especially the Diploma IV Nurse Anesthesiology Department,” she said.

She also hoped that ITS PKUMuhammadiyah Surakarta would produce professional nurse anesthesiologists and be absorbed in the hospital as professional anesthesiologists. Dorce mentioned that it requires 3,000 Indonesian hospitals, both private and public hospitals.

“Indonesia’s necessities to anesthesiologists reached 21,426 and alhamdulillah, in ITS PKUMuhammadiyah Surakarta, before the students had graduated, were absorbed by several hospitals. It portrayed that ITS PKU and its learning system were properly qualified,” Sulastri added.

The students should strengthen their professionalism in providing the best efforts for the nations based on their competencies. It could be reflected by enjoying their learning process and dedicating to the department they chose.

UMPR Deploys 337 Students on the 48th Community Service

UMPR Deploys 337 Students on the 48th Community Service

Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangka Raya (UMPR) deployed 337 students on Thursday (06/10). The students were released to conduct the 48th community service program (KKN). The Rector of UMPR, Dr. Sonedi MPd officially opened the procession hybrid. Also attending the agenda, the Vice-Rector I, Dr. Hj Laksmi Narti SH MH, the Deans, the Head of Department, the Field Supervisor, and several boards of Research and Community Service (LP2M) UMPR.

UMPR students would be spread into several cities in Central Kalimantan. On this occasion, the 48th KKN committee, Endang Sri Suyati MPd mentioned two schemes of 2022 Community Service. First, the Muhammadiyah social service (AUM) scheme, and second, the ethnography scheme. The AUM scheme started on Thursday (06/10) while the ethnography scheme began the next Thursday (20/10). “The supervisors could accompany them (the students) to the community service location,” she said, after the opening ceremony.

Furthermore, the Head of LP2M, Dr. Nurul Hikmah Kartini SSi MPd explained that 337 students would be divided into 33 groups. “For the AUM scheme, the students can be in the second campus of UMPR, ‘Aisyiyah Kindergarten (TK ABA), Kasongan campus, and Pulang Pisau Campus. Meanwhile, for the ethnography scheme, it includes KHDTK Mungku Baru, Bereng Bengkel, Danau Tundai, Tahai Jaya, Talio Muara, West Kanamit, Bahaur, Danau Pantau, and Domisili,” she added.

In front of the participants, Dr. Nurul also mentioned that the 48th Community Service would involve physical and non-physical programs and environmental management programs.

UM Surabaya Graduate Program Officially Owns Research Center of Islamic Community Development Studies

UM Surabaya Graduate Program Officially Owns Research Center of Islamic Community Development Studies

The Graduate Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM Surabaya) officially launched the Research Center of Islamic Community Development Studies (P3MI) on Sunday (09/10). The research center was officially inaugurated by Dr. M. Ridlwan, M.Pd, the Vice-Rector I UM Surabaya.

The research center in the graduate program was expected to ease research and innovation for the graduate lecturers at UM Surabaya. “So we can contribute to the scientific development of UM Surabaya for the Islamic community in general,” Dr. M. Ridlwan, M.Pd said. The P3MI had designed several programs, including scientific publication, international collaborative research, Education Moderation in Indonesia (EMI), community empowerment (Qoribah), and Muhammadiyah Studies.

At the same time, it also held the Education Orientation (Ordik) for freshmen of the Graduate Program in the Academic Year 2022-2023. It was followed by approximately 95 students from three different Master’s degree departments, including in Islamic Studies, Islamic Economic Law, and Indonesian Language and Literature.

Furthermore, the launching was also completed with the National Seminar of Pre-Congress (Pra-Muktamar) Muhammadiyah 48 that was delivered by Prof Najib Burhani, M.A., M.Sc., Ph.D., the Deputy Chair of Muhammadiyah Council for Library and Information (MPI) and the Chairman of Research Institute BRIN. He presented his material about “Muhammadiyah Development Studies in the Contemporary Era”.

On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Abd. Hadi, the Director of the Graduate Program, mentioned that currently, Ordik had different nuances due to three different agendas. “Students should adapt to Graduate programs, especially to change their perspective on what to why,” he said.