Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangka Raya (UMPR) deployed 337 students on Thursday (06/10). The students were released to conduct the 48th community service program (KKN). The Rector of UMPR, Dr. Sonedi MPd officially opened the procession hybrid. Also attending the agenda, the Vice-Rector I, Dr. Hj Laksmi Narti SH MH, the Deans, the Head of Department, the Field Supervisor, and several boards of Research and Community Service (LP2M) UMPR.
UMPR students would be spread into several cities in Central Kalimantan. On this occasion, the 48th KKN committee, Endang Sri Suyati MPd mentioned two schemes of 2022 Community Service. First, the Muhammadiyah social service (AUM) scheme, and second, the ethnography scheme. The AUM scheme started on Thursday (06/10) while the ethnography scheme began the next Thursday (20/10). “The supervisors could accompany them (the students) to the community service location,” she said, after the opening ceremony.
Furthermore, the Head of LP2M, Dr. Nurul Hikmah Kartini SSi MPd explained that 337 students would be divided into 33 groups. “For the AUM scheme, the students can be in the second campus of UMPR, ‘Aisyiyah Kindergarten (TK ABA), Kasongan campus, and Pulang Pisau Campus. Meanwhile, for the ethnography scheme, it includes KHDTK Mungku Baru, Bereng Bengkel, Danau Tundai, Tahai Jaya, Talio Muara, West Kanamit, Bahaur, Danau Pantau, and Domisili,” she added.
In front of the participants, Dr. Nurul also mentioned that the 48th Community Service would involve physical and non-physical programs and environmental management programs.