UM Mataram Social Service Camp Was Ended

UM Mataram Social Service Camp Was Ended

Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram (UMMAT) held the Social Service Camp (KBS) in the last week of May (24-29/05). The camping program was conducted in the foster village at Lenggam Sari, Sambik Elen, Bayan, North Utara, West Nusa Tenggara. On this occasion, the Environmental and Adventure Activity Association (Mapala) UM Mataram organized the program. The Chairman of the Mapala Boards (DP), Dende Dina Safitri, explained that the program included various activities. “It includes social and community, education, religious activity, and a competition,” she said.

She also mentioned detailed plans of the programs, consisting of the hydroponic farming system; environmental sustainability awareness at an early age; learning to read, write, and count; playing; and praying and reciting with children. The Mapala members also set the directional informative signs for the Kalianjah rainfall tourism object; spending time together with coffee; drawing competition for kids; humanitarian donations and donations for functional materials at the mosques; and many other programs.

“Mapala UMMAT aims to actualize the DP’s work programs to develop members’ creativity in their perspective and practical way in the social life,” she added. She expected KBS could inspire the broader community to have self-reliance and be adaptable.

The Chairman of Mapala boards appreciated campus assistance and communities’ positive response to the Social Service Camp. “We hope our program can receive God’s permission to positively impact all parties materially and spiritually,” she hoped. [] UM Mataram / CHERD

UMSU Accreditation Workshop Targeting International Institutions

UMSU Accreditation Workshop Targeting International Institutions

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU) conducted an International Accreditation Workshop on Monday (06/06). The targeted International Accreditation institute was Akreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik (ASIIN). ASIIN is an international accreditation institution from Germany in engineering, mathematics, science, agriculture, and biology. The quality experts from the Medical Science Faculty (FK), Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya attended on the workshop held on KHA Dahlan Auditorium, FK Building, UM Sumatera Utara.

The Vice-Rector I UMSU, Prof Dr. Arifin Gultom MHum, opened the workshop. He was accompanied by the boards of faculties and study programs at UM Sumatera Utara. The quality assurance boards from FK UNAIR, Dr dr Maftuchah Rochmanti MKes, and the Dean of Medical Science Faculty UM Sumatera Utara, dr Siti Masliana Siregar Sp THT-KL(K) also presented.

In her remarks, dr Siti Masliana Siregar, Sp THT-KL(K) appreciated the collaboration and support for FK UMSU improvement. She also valued several collaborative projects from several parties. “In the development towards International higher education institutions, FK UMSU should properly prepare various elements,” she said.

Furthermore, the Vice-Rector I UMSU, Prof Dr. Muhammad Arifin mentioned the purpose of the workshop. It aimed to demonstrate UMSU’s commitment to establishing International accreditation. “UM Sumatera Utara has owned International programs. One of them brought UMSU in QS Star ranking, in 4 stars,” he highlighted. [] CHERD

UM Karanganyar (UMUKA) Officially Established

UM Karanganyar (UMUKA) Officially Established

Universitas Muhammadiyah Karanganyar (UMUKA) was officially established by the merger of three higher education institutions: Akademi Peternakan Karanganyar, Akademi Sekretari dan Manajemen Santa Anna, and Akademi Pariwisata Widya Nusantara. The establishment was marked by the submission of the Ministerial Decree of the Ministry of Education, Research, and Technology and the launching of UMUKA, Tuesday (07/06).

In his remarks, the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Central Board, Ahmad Dahlan Rais, expected that this establishment should be seriously managed by qualified improvement to develop and provide various advantages in education, especially in Central Java. Based on the name of UMUKA, he called UMUKA Universitas Terkemuka (a prominent university). “By the tagline of Universitas Terkemuka, I hope it will be full of determination, not reckless decisions and acts,” he said.

He also invited all Muhammadiyah members to be grateful for the Muhammadiyah achievements. Moreover, he urged to build a strong leadership to make the intentions clear. Varied intentions without strong leadership will be useless.

Juliyatmono, Karanganyar Regent, responded favorably with gratitude to the UMUKA establishment. According to him, the existence of the Muhammadiyah higher education institution in Karanganyar would be a milestone and invaluable idea. “We witnessed a long process of valuable ideas for Karanganyar people to own a good university. Karanganyar is strategic and deserves to produce excellent human resources,” he said.

UMUKA would manage several Bachelor programs, for instance, Computer Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Digital Business, Communication, Accounting, and Physiotherapy. Also, it would organize Vocational programs, including Livestock Production, Secretary, Tourism Management, and Hospitality. [] CHERD/UM Karanganyar

UMG Seminar Encourages Students To Pursue Higher Education Abroad

UMG Seminar Encourages Students To Pursue Higher Education Abroad

Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik (UMG) held UMG Seminar on Tuesday (07/06). The seminar organized by the Bureau of Partnership was entitled “Investing in Your Future by Studying in the US”. UMG collaborated with EducationUSA, an educational institution under the Department of Foreign Affairs of the United States. Currently, there are 425 International student advisors in more than 175 countries.

UMG had a great opportunity to organize the seminar. It aimed to provide guidelines, and various terms and conditions before pursuing higher education abroad. There were 130 UMG students from varied study programs following the agenda. The Vice-Rector I, Nadhirotul Laily SPsi MPsi delivered her remarks at the opening ceremony. She hoped that the UMG students could pursue their higher education overseas. “So the students can bring UMG’s reputation internationally,” she said.

The seminar invited a resource person from EducationUSA Advisor, Ambarizky Trinugraheni. It was also led by Nataria Wahyuning Subayani SPd MPd who also becomes the Head of the International Relations Office (IRO). The seminar was completed with a lively discussion about studying abroad. At the end of the seminar, the participants who actively participated in the discussion were granted merchandise from EducationUS.

On this occasion, Paulina SPd MPd, the Head of Partnership Bureau also prompted all UM Gresik students to search for further information related to education abroad by consulting the Bureau or International Relations office on the 7th floor.

Kudus Red Cross and UMKU Collaborate in Securing Blood Stock

Kudus Red Cross and UMKU Collaborate in Securing Blood Stock

Indonesian Red Cross Society (PMI) in Kudus visited Universitas Muhammadiyah Kudus (UMKU) on Monday (06/06). The UMKU Boards comprised Dr. Rusnoto SKM SKep MKes (Epid), The Rector of UMKU; Noor Hidayah AKep MKes, The Vice-Rector I; Rizka Himawan SPsi MPsi, The Vice-Rector II; Anny Rosiana M Ns MKep SpKepJ, The Vice-Rector III, and Noor Azizah SSiT MKes, The Directorate of Students and Collaboration, warmly welcomed the visitation.

The Chairman of PMI, Hj Rina Budhy Ariani SH offered the collaborative program during her visitation. She offered programs between PMI Kudus and UM Kudus in securing blood stock due to the decrease of bloodstock in Kudus. “Therefore, UM Kudus support is necessary. A higher education institution is expected can provide the targeted number of blood stock,” she said.

Correspondingly, UMKU Rector, Dr. Rusnoto, SKM, MKes (Epid) also appreciated the collaboration and commitment to cooperation. “UMKU opens to collaboration. We have collaborated by conducting training for volunteering corps with blood donation programs,” he said. Moreover, Dr. Rusnoto explained that UM Kudus is responsible for implementing three core values of ‘Tri Dharma’ of Higher Education Institutions. “Therefore, we appreciate this collaboration with PMI Kudus. Basically, we collaborate on all positive programs that are beneficial to the broader communities. UM Kudus agrees to participate, soon, it will be regulated in a mechanism to fulfill the necessities,” he said.

The agenda conducted in the Rectorate Meeting Room ran well and applied a strict health protocol.

UMPR Graduates 268 Students at Commencement Ceremony

UMPR Graduates 268 Students at Commencement Ceremony

Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya (UMPR) held its commencement ceremony on Saturday (04/06). The offline graduation becomes the 30th period for the Bachelor program, the 7th period for the Postgraduates program, and the 20th for the Diploma program. The Rector of UMPR, Dr. Sonedi MPd, delivered his congratulatory messages by mentioning that UMPR conferred 268 students from six faculties. It was divided into several programs: 16 students from the Diploma program; 179 students from the Bachelor’s program; and 73 students from the Master’s program. “Congratulations to all graduates that currently become alumni,” he said. Not only did he recognize the process of completing the degree, but also prompted to maintain a good relationship with academic civitas in UMPR.

The Chairman of Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development (CHERD), Prof H Lincolin Arsyad MSc Ph.D. also attended the ceremony. He prompted, first, all graduates to implement the knowledge positively; second, university boards to improve collective achievements in rapid development. Prof Lincolin also encouraged all UMPR lecturers to continue their higher degrees in Doctoral. “The number of Doctoral lecturers in UMPR is 29. In the future, I expect that the number will increase by more than half of the lecture’s quantity,” said the Chairman of CHERD.

Furthermore, the commencement ceremony was also attended by the Gunung Mas regent, Jaya Samaya Monong SE MSi. He appreciated the role of UMPR in educating the young generation for regional development. “The graduates should have a mature plan by mapping the local conditions. So you can contribute to regional development,” he said. The Head of Higher Education Service Institution (LLDikti) Regional XI, Kalimantan, Dr. Drs Muhammad Akbar MSi, also delivered his congratulatory message to all graduates.

Pharmacy Students of STIKes Mu Tegal Exhibit Herbal Products

Pharmacy Students of STIKes Mu Tegal Exhibit Herbal Products

The Entrepreneurship Students of STIKes Muhammadiyah Tegal actively exhibited herbal and handicraft products from the Pharmacy students in STIKes Mu Tegal Friday (03/06).

According to Uswatun, a fourth-semester student in the Pharmacy department, the innovative products exhibited were herbal products and several beverages. It includes Wedang Uwuh (Traditional Drink from Yogyakarta), Wedang Jahe (Hot Ginger Drink), pure honey, Milk, Dragon Fruit, Jelly Ice, and Lemon Tea. Besides beverages, the students also served to exchange information for STIKes Muhammadiyah Tegal admission. “We also share the brochures and stickers with the customers and several Islamic sermon participants. We attempt to socialize the New Student Admission in STIKes Muhammadiyah Tegal in its second term,” she said.

Hendra Apriyadi appreciated the Pharmacy department’s Student Executive Board (BEM) in STIKes Muhammadiyah Tegal. “Alhamdulillah, the students are highly motivated in various events, especially in ‘Giat Ber-Muhammadiyah’. STIKES Muhammadiyah Tegal students implement Islamic and Muhammadiyah teaching through following Islamic sermons and exhibiting herbal products. I hope they continue to learn and manage various entrepreneurial agendas,” he added.

In contrast to the prior product exhibition adjoin to ‘Aisyiyah and Nasyiatul Aisyiyah (Muhammadiyah Autonomous Organizations) that sells vegetables, Log Mart of Muhammadiyah Regional Board Dukuhturi, or many other sellers, on this occasion, STIKes Muhammadiyah Tegal became the only exhibitor. [] STIKes Mu Tegal / CHERD

MoU in Law Faculty Between UMSB and UM Tangerang

MoU in Law Faculty Between UMSB and UM Tangerang

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat (UMSB) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) on Thursday (12/05). The procession was particularly through the Law Faculty of UMSB, while the second party in MoU and MoA was the Law Faculty of Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang (UMT). The Deans from each faculty in the two universities signed the documents at the UMSB Dean’s office for Law Faculty.

The Dean of Law Faculty UMT, Dwi Nur Fauziah Ahmad SH MH explained that the agreement between both parties would have a positive influence because it could lead to an increase in quality standards of both parties. She also mentioned that it has become a demand for the universities, especially Muhammadiyah-Aisyiyah Higher Education Institutions (MHEIs). “We can improve the lecturer and student standardization,” she said, as reported on the UMSB site.

It was in line with the Dean of Law Faculty UMSB, Dr. Wendra Yunaldi SH MH’s vision that was illustrated by The Vice-Dean, Dr. Nurul Rahmayani SH MH’s statement. She highlighted that the Law Faculty UMSB keeps collaborating with various institutions in Indonesia.

Nurul also explained that recently, they were visited by Law Faculty UMT boards, including the Dean, the Chairman of the Law Studies Department, and their team. They agreed to sign the MoU and MoA related to Catur Dharma implementation in Higher Education Institutions and also to conduct a benchmarking study.

“We expect that this collaboration will have follow-up programs soon, through various collaborative programs every semester. So it can improve the accreditation status of the Law Faculty UM Sumatera Barat to be excellent in the following 2025,” she said.

UMG Hosted The 2022 FFU VI

UMG Hosted The 2022 FFU VI

Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik (UMG) successfully hosted the 2022 Faqih Usman Festival (FFU) VI located in Sang Pencerah Hall, UMG, on Sunday (29/05). Through the Primary School Teacher Education Department (PGSD) of UMG, the festival that collaborated with the Muhammadiyah Council for Primary and Secondary Education (Majelis Dikdasmen) of the Regional Board aimed to produce the best young generation.

“According to Ali Imran verse 110, to create the best community ever raised for humanity to encourage the good and forbid the evil,” said the Rector of UMG, Dr. Eko Budi Leksono ST, MT. Dr. Eko also expected that FFU could be developed in the following event. “Perhaps in the future, the participants will be from outside East Java, even there will be international participants,” he hoped. In her remarks, the Committee Chairman of the 2022 FFU, Nurul Wafiyah MPd mentioned that 497 students followed the event. It comprised 236 students from Elementary school, 146 participants from Secondary school, and 115 High school students. She also explained the competition aimed to examine students in Muhammadiyah institutions particularly in Gresik. “ It builds relationship among students that in the future they will become a civil society in Gresik,” he said.

On the other hand, the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Council for Primary and Secondary Education in Gresik, Ir Dodik Priyambada SAkt, expected that the Faqih Usman Festival could be continued in the next year due to the positive responses and huge support from various schools in Gresik. [] UMG/CHERD

The Launching of UNIMUGO Building, An Initial Start To Synergize

UNIMUGO Building Inauguration, A Beginning To Synergize

Universitas Muhammadiyah Gombong (UNIMUGO) officially launched a three-floor building with a 2.529 m2 area, Wednesday (25/05). The building called G Building of UNIMUGO would be a University Library on the first floor, an integrated pharmacy laboratory on the second floor, and classrooms on the third floor. dr H Agus Taufiqurahman SpS MKes, Muhammadiyah Central Board officially inaugurated the building by signing the inscription and cutting the ribbon.

On this occasion, Dr H Tafsir MAg,the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Province Board; KH Abduh Hisyam SAg, the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Regional Board of Kebumen; Widiantoro Triatmaji MM, the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Branch Board of Gombong; dr Fatah Widodo SpM, the Chairman of Daily Advisory Board of UNIMUGO; the Director of PKU Muhammadiyah Gombong Hospital; invited guests; and UNIMUGO staff also presented. In his speech, dr Fatah Widodo mentioned the G Building establishment continued the F Building  which had established in 2013. “Later, we will build another building, the I building for the classrooms,” he continued.

Furthermore, Fatah Widodo also expected to establish the Faculty of Medical Science. “It is because UNIMUGO stands beside PKU Muhammadiyah Gombong Hospital,” he added. For the development, fifteen UNIMUGO lecturers are currently studying doctoral programs. On the other hand, dr H Taufiq explained that the synergy between Unmuh Gombong and PKU Muhammadiyah Gombong is perfectly possible. “I am sure that UNIMUGO will have distinctive characteristics in the Medical Science faculty. And Muhammadiyah Central Board is ready to support the launching of the Medical Science faculty,” he said.

On this occasion, dr H Agus Taufiqurahman, SpS, MKes surveyed the library, integrated pharmacy laboratory, and classrooms in G Building accompanied by the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Province Board of Central Java, the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Regional Board of Kebumen, the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Branch Board of Gombong, the Chairman of Daily Advisory Board of Unmuh Gombong, and the invited guests . [] CHERD/UNIMUGO