UMSU Accreditation Workshop Targeting International Institutions

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU) conducted an International Accreditation Workshop on Monday (06/06). The targeted International Accreditation institute was Akreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik (ASIIN). ASIIN is an international accreditation institution from Germany in engineering, mathematics, science, agriculture, and biology. The quality experts from the Medical Science Faculty (FK), Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya attended on the workshop held on KHA Dahlan Auditorium, FK Building, UM Sumatera Utara.

The Vice-Rector I UMSU, Prof Dr. Arifin Gultom MHum, opened the workshop. He was accompanied by the boards of faculties and study programs at UM Sumatera Utara. The quality assurance boards from FK UNAIR, Dr dr Maftuchah Rochmanti MKes, and the Dean of Medical Science Faculty UM Sumatera Utara, dr Siti Masliana Siregar Sp THT-KL(K) also presented.

In her remarks, dr Siti Masliana Siregar, Sp THT-KL(K) appreciated the collaboration and support for FK UMSU improvement. She also valued several collaborative projects from several parties. “In the development towards International higher education institutions, FK UMSU should properly prepare various elements,” she said.

Furthermore, the Vice-Rector I UMSU, Prof Dr. Muhammad Arifin mentioned the purpose of the workshop. It aimed to demonstrate UMSU’s commitment to establishing International accreditation. “UM Sumatera Utara has owned International programs. One of them brought UMSU in QS Star ranking, in 4 stars,” he highlighted. [] CHERD

UMSU Accreditation Workshop Targeting International Institutions

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