Muhammadiyah CHERD Collaborates with Balitbang for Human Resources of The Ministry of Communication and Information To Create Digital Community In 2045

Muhammadiyah Council for Higher Education, Research, and Development (CHERD) collaborates with the Institute for Research and Development (Balitbang) of Human Resources of the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) by signing the Memorandum of Understanding located in the Amphitarium Room of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), Tuesday (01/02). The signing procession was conducted by Prof Lincolin Arsyad, the Chairman of Muhammadiyah CHERD and Dr Eng Hary Budiarto MKom, the Head of Balitbang for Human Resources Kemenkominfo RI. The procession was also witnessed by Dr Muchlas MT, the Rector of UAD.

In his remarks, Prof Lincolin Arsyad explained that the MoU serves as the collaboration foundation for both parties to support the Indonesian government program to accelerate digital transformation. “The Memorandum of Understanding aims to support digital transformation establishment in Indonesia through economics based on world-class technological innovation and capability sustained by the proficient human resources and digital-culture communities,” he said.

He expected that in the future, Muhammadiyah-’Aisyiyah Higher Education Institutions (MHEIs) could disseminate the advancement of education in supporting digital community establishment. “Let us circulate this information to MHEIs for their support in the digital advancement and excellence,” he said. He also prompted the students to learn digital development seriously. “Because in the future, who owns the access of information will run the world,” said Prof Lincolin Arsyad.

On this occasion, Dr Eng Hary Budiarto MKom appreciated the collaboration agreement. The agreement is an urgent move due to the Indonesian efforts in establishing a progressive community in the digital era. “To create a progressive community, we should master digital technology. By this MoU, it can be inevitable,” he said. He also expected the effort to run to create digital communities in 2045 constantly.

Dr Muchlas MT also mentioned that all MHEIs in Indonesia could implement the collaboration. “I hope this collaboration can be followed up to be advantageous programs to human resources development, especially in informatics and recent technology,” he said.

The scope of this collaboration involved human resource development in communication and informatics, data and information exchange that is ethical, safe, responsible, and following applicable regulations, and other activities that both parties have agreed.

Muhammadiyah CHERD Collaborates with Balitbang for Human Resources of Kemenkominfo RI To Create Digital Community In 2045

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