To Encourage Youth in Develop Enterprise, IAIM Sinjai Held Entrepreneurial Workshop

The Institute for Islamic Studies Muhammadiyah (IAIM) Sinjai students organized Entrepreneurial Workshop on Monday (07/03). They held the workshop in the Profession Community Service Program (KKN-P) at Puncak village, South Sinjai district. Also, the workshop conducted in the Hall of Village Administrative Office raised the theme “Capacity Building for Entrepreneur and Technopreneurship spirit”. Hardiyanti Ridwan, SPd MPd, the lecturer of Economics and Islamic Law (FEHI) IAIM Sinjai, delivered her presentation as a resource person.

The Village Coordinator (Kordes), Suriadi, expected the workshop advantages could apply to the broader community. He also hoped that the workshop could support the community, especially the youth, in internalizing entrepreneurship. “The agenda aims to adjust societal needs in the digital era. We need to educate on how to be entrepreneurs in the current era by inviting a competent lecturer,’ he said.

Puncak Village Chief (ad interim) also attended the workshop. In his remarks, he appreciated the KKN-P students’ program to encourage the youth in becoming entrepreneurs and develop business. Moreover, the workshop started with an online sale technique and system. The speaker also motivates the youth to elevate businesses and enterprises with discipline, high commitment, honesty, creativity, innovation, independence, and be realistic.

Furthermore, village non-commissioned officer (Babinsa), Village Council (BPD) and boards, community leaders, religious figures, youth leaders, women leaders, and several people from various areas in Puncak village also attended the event. [] CHERD

Encouraging Youth, IAIM Sinjai Held Entrepreneurial Workshop

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