Expert Human Resources for Constant Development

M. Arif Susanto, M.Pd.I
The Vice Chairman I for Education and Research Affairs of STIT Muhammadiyah Bojonegoro

Muhammadiyah Islamic Higher Education Institutions (PTKIM) is a Higher Education Institution under the guidance of the Directorate General of Islamic Education (Dirjen Pendis) of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, as well as under the auspices of the Council for Higher Education Research and Development (CHERD) of the Muhammadiyah Central Board.

It is very crucial for Human Resources (HR) in an institution to continuously improve their competence, self-capacity, loyalty and work productivity based on their fields and responsibilities attached to them.

In general, the work units contained in PTKIM include: The Leadership and Organization Affairs consists of the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson II of Academic Affairs, Deputy Chairperson II of Finance and Human Resources, Deputy Chairperson III of Students, Alumni and Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies (AIK) Affairs, Institute of Quality Assurance (LPM), Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM), Academic Administration Bureau (BAAK), General Administration and Student Affairs (BAU-K), Administration, Treasurer, Program Planning and Cooperation Division, Library, Head of Study Programs and other fields established and determined by an institution.

The above units are generally contained in the Main Task and Function (TUPOKSI) Document which has been prepared and determined by the stake holder, as one of the work reference documents that supports the achievement of the vision, mission and goals of the institution. It has also become the achievement target in a certain period or leadership period.

The work unit above also becomes an important factor in achieving the vision and mission of PTKIM when carrying out the institution’s work program.

In organizing duties and responsibilities, it should be based on the main task and function (tupoksi) that have been compiled and become a collective agreement. This tupoksi document is one of the main references in carrying out duties and responsibilities based on the existing field.

It is undeniable that the appointed field or work unit should be able to :

  1. Optimize performance based on the main tasks and functions (tupoksi)
  2. Focus on achieving the vision and mission of the institution
  3. Produce innovations (renewal) based on their field of work, as an effort to find the latest breakthroughs according to existing developments.


However, what is important to note is that all structures must have a sense of collective responsibility, common interests, and the same goal for achieving the realization of the vision, mission and goals of an institution.

If all of them are carried out properly, the achievement of work performance will be achieved significantly. The main focus is to improve the institution and ensure the achievement of public interest (maslahah) in the broader community, especially in a certain institution.

On the contrary, no matter how great the achievement which is not oriented to the Main Task and Function (tupoksi), there is no improvement in the Main Task which should become the main focus.

There are other important things that should be achieved by each field in an institution is to ensure the user satisfaction which in campus, the user would be students, as well as the alumni.

In line with the concept of TQM (Total Quality Management), the management put the customer satisfaction as the main aspect, which in an educational institution, users (students) are customers, then we can revitalize the system based on the Main Tasks and Functions oriented to system improvement in an institution, so that improvements can be measured and have a greater impact.


Why is a system-oriented approach important?

Working with a system-oriented approach is important because by building the system, the corrective process of an institution will not be repeated, even though there is a leadership shift. It happens because the system will run, while the human resources in it are responsible as system and the creators of the innovation for development and change based on the needs of the community.


What if the system in an institution has not been formed?

Then, it becomes the obligation of stakeholders to form an effective work system for an institution, by organizing joint work meetings with the entire academic community by involving the Daily Advisory Board (BPH), users and community leaders, so the system can produce far-reaching implications and have binding force for all levels of the work unit. (rifsusanto)

Expert Human Resources for Constant Development

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