Muhammadiyah Central Board Prompted UMS Rappang To Be Ummatan Wasathan Facilitators

The President of Muhammadiyah Central Board, Prof Haedar Nashir, expected that Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidenreng Rappang (UMS Rappang) became the facilitator of Ummatan Wasathan ‘Moderate Community’. That was a highlight from Prof Haedar Nashir as a keynote speaker in Tabligh Akbar (mass religious meeting) of the 2nd Anniversary Commemoration of UMS Rappang conducted virtually.

“We expect that UMS Rappang keep disseminating the good deeds in the communities, to be Ummatan Washatan to combine the movement and vision in harmony in actualizing the Muhammadiyah ideals, which is to create the true Muslim community,” Haedar Nashir said, Thursday (18/02). Moreover, in the agenda, Haedar Nashir also retraced and reminded the struggle of Muhammadiyah figures, including KH Ahmad Dahlan, AR Fachruddin, and many others in establishing the foundation and providing Muhammadiyah services. He also prompted the Muhammadiyah cadres to abide by the ten characters of Muhammadiyah daily.

“Undoubtedly, Prof Ambo Asse, the Rector of Unismuh Makassar, and Dr Jamaluddin Ahmad, the Rector of UMS Rappang currently experienced the pleasure and sadness in carrying Muhammadiyah duties out. I prompt to keep disseminating the good deeds. To be criticized is normal. Because to ‘establish’ something require sacrifice and takes a long time. If we compare it with the destruction, it can finish in a very short time,” he said.

Moreover, Prof Haedar Nashir also reminded all Muhammadiyah cadres, especially UMS Rappang academic civitas, to build the system. In his opinion, people in Muhammadiyah da’wah would come and go. However, it indeed has the final destination. “That is why Khittah ‘the way’ and Muhammadiyah identity should be maintained and applied by Muhammadiyah communities,” Haedar Nashir said. As reported, Tabligh Akbar was also attended by Muhammadiyah Province Board of South Sulawesi, Prof Ambo Asse, accompanied by Muhammadiyah South Sulawesi figures, the Rector of UMS Rappang, Dr Jamalauddin Ahmad, and the academic civitas in its local campus.  [] UMSRappang / Diktilitbang

Muhammadiyah Central Board Prompted UMS Rappang To Be Ummatan Wasathan Facilitators

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