Muhammadiyah Pre-Congress Bagged 39 Board Candidates

The Pre-Congress (Tanwir) of Muhammadiyah was held on Friday (18/11) in Mohammad Djazman Auditorium, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Sukoharjo, Central Java.

The opening ceremony of the pre-congress of Muhammadiyah and ‘Aisyiyah broadcasted through the Muhammadiyah youtube channel. Meanwhile, the decisions were announced on the tvMu youtube channel. In pre-congress, the Election Commission, Dahlan Rais mentioned that the e-voting finished on time. “I am thankful that Tanwir (pre-congress) has been conducted as we planned,” he said.

Furthermore, Secretary of the Election Commission, Budi Setiawan read the pre-congress results. He also explained that the total number of pre-congress members should be 202, but only 197 participants had attended.

Pre-Congress Results

The pre-congress selected 39 board candidates, including:

  1. Anwar Abbas has 190 votes
  2. Syamsul Anwar has 182 votes
  3. Haedar Nashir has 175 votes
  4. Saad Ibrahim has 170 votes
  5. Abdul Mu’ti has 166 votes
  6. Dadang Kahmad has 165 votes
  7. Hilman Latief has 165 votes
  8. Syafiq A Mughni has 164 votes
  9. Amirsyah Tambunan has164 votes
  10. Busyro Muqoddas has 164 votes
  11. Agus Taufiqurrahman has 150 votes
  12. Imam Ad Daruquthni has 147 votes
  13. Agung Danarto has 146 votes
  14. Marpuji Ali has 142 votes
  15. Muhadjir Effendy has 141 votes
  16. Ary Anshori has 137 votes
  17. A. Dahlan Rais has 134 votes
  18. Sofyan Anif has 130 votes
  19. Muhammad Ziyad has 125 votes
  20. Khoirudin Bashori has 122 votes
  21. Muhammad Sayuti has 121 votes
  22. Ma’mun Murod has 120 votes
  23. Irwan Akib has 118 votes
  24. M Agus Samsudin has 115 votes
  25. Hajriyanto Y Thohari has 113 votes
  26. Fathurrahman Kamal has 109 votes
  27. Armyn Gultom has 107 votes
  28. Zakiyuddin Baedhowi has 106 votes
  29. Agus Sukaca has 105 votes
  30. Hamim Ilyas has 103 votes
  31. Untung Cahyono has 103 votes
  32. M Rizal Fadilah has 103 votes
  33. Budi Setiawan has 100 votes
  34. Ambo Asse has 99 votes
  35. Bambang Setiaji has 99 votes
  36. Ahmad Khairudin has 99 votes
  37. Asep Purnama Bahtiar has 97 votes
  38. Syaifullah has 97 votes
  39. Lastly, Saidul Amin has 91 votes.


Prof. Haedar Nashir, the President of Muhammadiyah Central Board, ended the pre-congress agenda by delivering his remarks. In the following days, the first and second Plenary Sessions and the election of Muhammadiyah Central Board members will be held.

Muhammadiyah Pre-Congress Bagged 39 Board Candidates

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