By Providing Emergency School, SARMMI Saves the Education of Pasaman Disaster-Affected Children

The volunteers of SAR Mapala (Student Association for Environmental and Adventure Activity) Muhammadiyah Indonesia (SARMMI) have provided an emergency school that collaborates with Teluk Bayur Padang Indonesian Navy. The collaboration was set for Pasaman earthquake-affected children.

SARMMI volunteers that involved in this agenda was four members of Mapala Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat (UMSB) comprised of Amelia Putri Suktan, Junita Tiara, Maisi Yesa Putri, Juni Lestari, and one member of Mapala Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau (UMRI), Muhatir.

Amelia explained that the earthquake caused the schools to close. Meanwhile, student motivation should be maintained, especially for children. Children’s education should be protected as an encouragement for the volunteers to provide emergency school. “Fifty students from Elementary and Secondary School followed this emergency school program. They are the victims of a natural disaster in Pasaman,” said Amelia.

By Providing Emergency School, SARMMI Saves the Education of Pasaman Disaster-Affected Children

The emergency school was conducted in SD Negeri 2 courtyard, Talamau district, West Pasaman, and the evacuation shelters in the palm plantation site in Lubuk Panjang, Jorong Kampung, Alang Nagari, Kajai, West Pasaman. In this palm plantation site, the emergency response center was also located.

“The school materials we provided in this emergency shelter are the basic comprehension materials by fun education learning method,” said Amelia. Both material and method were combined to conduct psychosocial assistance to vulnerable victims in a natural disaster.

Set Emergency School, SARMMI Saves Pasaman Children’s Education

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