KODIM 0723 Klaten Collaborated STIKes Muhammadiyah Klaten To Conduct Vaccination

District Military Command (Kodim) 0723 Klaten reconducted the Covid-19 vaccination for the students in Klaten, Saturday (11/09). The vaccination was followed by 500 students from STIKes Muh Klaten and Klaten students in general.

Captain Sukatman as Commander of Army Administrative Unit (Danramil) Klaten and the person in charge of the Covid-19 vaccination mentioned the target of the vaccination was the students. “Besides it was conducted in STIKes Muh Klaten, on the same day, the vaccination site also located in several schools in Klaten,” he said.

Dandim 0723 Klaten, Letkol (Inf) Joni Eko Prasetyo, added that the agenda aimed to support the government plan in establishing herd immunity and Klaten community health assurance especially the students as preparation for offline learning program. “Today, Kodim 0723 Klaten conducts the first dose vaccination for the students with the total of 2,000 students in Klaten,” he said.

The Covid-19 vaccination caught students’ attention, especially the students who should undergo an internship in the hospital. “I was grateful for the Covid-19 vaccination as our protection to prevent the Covid-19 transmission and create the immune system because we should do the professional field practice in the hospital,” Anna Alisya Sari said. [] Public Relations of STIKes Muh Klaten / Diktilitbang

STIKes Muh Klaten With KODIM 0723 Klaten Held Vaccination

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