The Student Executive Board (BEM) of STIKes Muhammadiyah Tegal held a graphic design course on the local campus, Wednesday (13/04). The activity that aimed to improve students’ intention and talent was followed enthusiastically by the students.
The agenda that was directly opened by Hendra Apriyadi, M.Pd, the Vice-Chairman 1 for Student Affairs of STIKes Muhammadiyah Tegal intended to encourage students in preparing themselves with knowledge and elevate skills. “Provide yourself with beneficial education to be creative in various fields,” he said. According to Hendra, in the digital era, the students of STIKes Muh Tegal should be creative. “To increase students’ potency, the campus invited several expert tutors in graphic design,” he said.
Hendra appreciated the Student Executive Board program through the Student Activity Unit (UKM) of Campus Journalists. He also hoped that the program could be advantageous for the students. In this activity, the students were taught the basics of designing, the software to be equipped, and various elements in designing.
Ari Fajar, a participant that follows the graphic design course, explained that the agenda was beneficial for him. “This activity enhances my knowledge about designing. Although the explanation started from the basics, it is enough to provide me a piece of knowledge in designing,” he said.