Tax Reporting Socialization for UMM Employees and Lecturers

The team from North Malang Tax Office visited Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) to provide socialization on tax reporting on Friday (17/2). Ahmad Wahid Hasan, the Account Representative of the North Malang Tax Office, appreciated UMM for providing an opportunity to share knowledge about tax reporting to employees and lecturers. Adreas Perkasa Zebua also explained the flow of annual tax reporting, including the types of tax returns (SPT) such as 1770, 1770 S, and 1770 SS.

Andreas explained that the 1770 annual tax return is for employees who have other businesses. Meanwhile, the 1770S annual tax is for someone who has a total annual income of more than 60 million rupiah. Then, the 1770 SS is for someone who has a yearly income of fewer than 60 million rupiah. The documents prepared to fill out the Annual Tax Return include proof of income tax withholding, family card, list of assets, and list of debts.

Ahmad Juanda, Head of UMM General Administration Bureau, appreciated the tax class. He emphasized that UMM always complies with and is ready to pay taxes as citizen’s obligation. The presence of the North Malang Tax team is also considered to help provide understanding for employees, especially with digital platforms, applications, and websites. That way, all parties can know and understand how to report taxes. Previously, UMM usually held services for employees and lecturers who would report taxes. Some volunteers from students direct and provide understanding so that the UMM academic community becomes tax-obedient citizens. Through this socialization, it is hoped that UMM employees and lecturers can understand their obligations in paying and reporting taxes correctly.

Tax Reporting Socialization for UMM Employees and Lecturers

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