UM Kotabumi Lecturers Achieve LPTK Partnership Grant

Three lecturers from Universitas Muhammadiyah (UM) Kotabumi received the grant from the lecturer and Teacher Training Institute (LPTK) partnership on Wednesday (29/06), according to the Ministerial Decree. The Decree was from the Ministry of Education and Culture No. 2359/E4/KK.05/2022. Based on the Decree, seventy lecturers had passed the selection process among 327 candidates in the lecturer and Teacher Training Institute (LPTK) partnership program (KDS). Among 70 participants, 3 of them were UMKO lecturers.

They were Elis Susanti SPd MPd and Rulik Setiani SS MPd, the English Education lecturers, and Darwanto SPd MPd, the Mathematics Education lecturer. The program involves a Teacher Training Institute (LPTK) with teachers in schools. The program was initiated by the General Directorate of Higher Education (Ditjen Dikti), the Ministry of Education and Culture to provide opportunities for LPTK lecturers to engage in partnership with schools. The partnership includes the innovative learning model; and research, publication, and participation improvement. The program also ensured that both parties could be beneficial to others, for instance, the LPTK lecturers could directly understand the education that happens in schools. So the teachers could improve their competencies, professional and pedagogic. It was important to elevate the education qualities in schools and higher education.

For six months, three lecturers of UM Kotabumi should undergo the program in their partnership schools. Darwanto SPd MPd in SMPN 1 Abung Semuli; Elis Susanti SPd MPd in SD Islam Asy-Syihab; and Rulik Setiani SS MPd in SMK Muhammadiyah Kotabumi

UM Kotabumi Lecturers Achieve LPTK Partnership Grant

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